
Prepaid and Preset Fuel Cards Strategies for Small Business

Prepaid and Preset Fuel Cards Strategies for Small Business 1024 683 Star Oilco

Use Commercial Cardlock exactly like a Prepaid Credit Card as a strategy for eliminating fuel theft in your business.   Are you really just looking to eliminate your fuel theft risk? With the recent economic slowdown, now is the time to field new management tools.  Let us help your business seize control of your…

On-Site Refueling in Oregon

On-Site Refueling in Oregon 768 1024 Star Oilco

Wet Hose Fueling and Mobile On-Site Diesel Delivery in the Pacific Northwest. If some days you have more work than drivers… Mobile On-site refueling or “Wet Hosing” is a solution that will push more money to your bottom line and reduce stress on your drivers.  Star Oilco can also merge our mobile onsite refueling service…

Fueling support for those on the road

Fueling support for those on the road 1024 682 Star Oilco

Are you worried about finding fuel? If a gas attendant gets sick you may find gas stations closing or worse employees working while they are sick. Construction workers, delivery drivers and first responders still need fuel and still need to be able to get to work. Cardlock cards are an excellent way to solve this…

Get an email every time your fleet stops for fuel

Get an email every time your fleet stops for fuel 1024 541 Star Oilco

Driver management tools built into a fleet card. Fleet card services mean more than just a bill, it is knowing who buys what, when, and where in real time. Make sure your Dispatcher on duty gets an email every time fuel is bought in real time. Know in real time what your fleet is buying…

Top 4 Reasons Hotels Should Use Pacific Pride

Top 4 Reasons Hotels Should Use Pacific Pride 1024 688 Star Oilco

Pacific Pride Fuel Cards for Airport, Hotel, or Travel Shuttle Companies Control your fuel spending with fuel card management, emailed receipts, transparency, and accountability for your hotel or travel shuttle bus drivers. Star Oilco is an independent Franchisee of Pacific Pride Running a shuttle service for a hotel for any reason can have a lot…

Upgrade your Fleet Card’s Security Features

Upgrade your Fleet Card’s Security Features 1024 653 Star Oilco

Human Resource strategies to stop employees from stealing  gas and diesel in your business with these best practices. Upgrade the security features on your Pacific Pride fuel cards with Star Oilco. Star Oilco is an independent Franchisee of Pacific Pride Are you looking to use a corporate fleet card to simplify your fuel buying…

How does my business get access to Pacific Pride fueling sites?

How does my business get access to Pacific Pride fueling sites? 1024 683 Star Oilco

What is required for a business to get access to Pacific Pride Cardlock sites in Oregon. Star Oilco is a proud Independent Franchisee of Pacific Pride. Pacific Pride Commercial Fueling 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year without retail waiting in line. Commercial fuel access for the around-the-clock business. If…

Upgrade your Commercial Fueling Efficiency

Upgrade your Commercial Fueling Efficiency 1024 576 Star Oilco

Use a Pacific Pride Cardlock card to save money. Commercial Fuel Best Practices for Fleet Managers. Use commercial-only Pacific Pride Cardlock locations, along with our wet-hose fueling service, as a winning combo for your fleet. Save on labor and fuel costs. Are you looking to use a commercial fuel card to simplify your fuel buying?…

Lock down your gas card from theft in Oregon

Lock down your gas card from theft in Oregon 683 1024 Star Oilco

Pacific Pride Cardlock in Portland, Oregon. If you are in Oregon, the widespread available Pacific Pride and CFN commercial fueling sites allows you to lock down your gas card security.  Eliminate fuel theft and save money with commercial fueling. Star Oilco is an independent Franchisee of Pacific Pride If you have employees buying gasoline for…

Use Pacific Pride Cardlock to Fuel your Portland, Oregon Fleet

Use Pacific Pride Cardlock to Fuel your Portland, Oregon Fleet 1024 593 Star Oilco

Seize Control of Your Fuel Spending with Pacific Pride Cardlock A Pacific Pride Cardlock Card gives you the ultimate control over when and where fuel is purchased. Plus, we guarantee the highest level of control by offering human support to make it easy for a small business. You have enough to manage and don’t need…