BioDiesel Feedstocks – Hemp Oil & High IV and Low IV Hepar
In this post we are going to continue our deeper look into different types of feedstock that Renewable Energy Group (REG) studied in 2009 in the Feedstock and Biodiesel Characteristics Report. The feedstocks we are looking into are Hemp Oil & High IV and Low IV Hepar. Here is a link to the main page of feedstocks we have examined so far.
As a reminder B20 Biodiesel (B20 stands for 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum diesel) is the drop in solution for reduced emissions in today’s modern diesel engines. To understand some of the alternate feedstocks that can be used for biodiesel, we are examining a report that Renewable Energy Group (REG) produced in 2009. All certificates of analysis and results are for B100.
Hemp Oil
Hemp seed oil comes from the plant Cannabis sativa and contains significant amounts of linolenic acid. The hemp oil in this study was sourced out of Canada and these seeds have an oil content of 33 percent.
Based on Industrial Hemp Regulations in Canada:
“Industrial hemp includes Cannabis plants and plant parts, of any variety, that contains 0.3% tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) or less in the leaves and flowering heads.
Industrial hemp also includes the derivatives of industrial hemp plants and plant parts. These do not include the flowering parts or the leaves.
Examples of derivatives that are considered industrial hemp include: hemp seed oil (oil derived from seed or grain) and hemp flour.”
THC is the chemical that has psychoactive properties and is what makes the cannabis Marijuana vs Hemp.
This biodiesel sample was created with seed oil that contained less than .03% THC.
Cannabis sativa is an annual flowering plant that originates in Central Asia and is now spread world-wide. The uses of the plant include seed oil, food, recreation, medicine and industrial fiber. (Source)
The centuries of early human cultivation of these plants has created a large variety of strains that look, grow and act different. Pictured is an example of what a Hemp or Marijuana plant looks like in bloom.
Hepar, High Iodine Value and Low Iodine Value (IV)
In this situation, Hepar is a byproduct of the heparin manufacturing process. Pharmaceutical grade heparin is derived from the mucosal tissues and of animals, such as pig intestines or cow lungs. (Mucosal tissues are part of the immune system it is the barrier between potential pathogens and the body.) Heparin is a medicine that is used as an anticoagulant. Since the creation of Heparin is a industry secret, it is difficult to find much information about the byproduct Hepar.
Last article for biodiesel feedstocks was Evening Primrose Oil & Fish Oil