Star Oilco

Star Oilco Diesel Fuel Quality Assurance 1024 574 Star Oilco

Star Oilco Diesel Fuel Quality Assurance


Diesel Fuel Tank Cleaner


  • Diesel Fuel Is Often A Company’s Largest Expense. Unfortunately, there is very little control over its quality.
  • Fuel Quality Has Declined over the last 25 years…
  • Engine manufacturers have tightened the tolerances for fuel
  • Newer tier 4 engines starting from 2008 need cleaner fuel


“Over the last two decades, the cetane number and the API gravity, the basic measures of crude oil quality have declined.”

—Society of Automotive Engineers, (SAE) Bulletin 872243



Cetane number is actually a measure of a fuel’s ignition delay. This is the time period between the start of injection and start of combustion (ignition) of the fuel. In a particular diesel engine, higher cetane fuels will have shorter ignition delay periods than lower cetane fuels.

So what is a typical API gravity for diesel fuel? The classic book “Petroleum Refinery Engineering” by W.L. Nelson (4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1958) gives numbers ranging from about 25 to 40 (with “Grade 1-D” around 40 and “Grade 2-D” around 35). In a Web search using the keywords “diesel” and “API gravity” I found a couple of sites with specs for #2 diesel fuel; these had minimum values of 26 and 30 API gravity. So a reasonable guess would be that typical #2 diesel fuel would have an API gravity of about 35; I’ll let you plug that into the above formula to get the specific gravity.

The densities of petroleum products are traditionally (especially in the U.S.) expressed as “API Gravity” The API Gravity is related to the specific gravity by the equation: API = (141.5/SPGR) – 131.5, where the specific gravity is the density relative to that of water and everything is measured at a temperature of 60 degrees F.

MadSci Network © 1997, Washington University Medical School

“Diesel fuel quality has deteriorated for the past 20 years and is expected to continue this trend for the foreseeable future.”

American Society for Testing and Materials, (ASTM) Pub. # 10056



Fuel Quality Deterioration

industrial-townProblem 1


Problem 2


Problem 3

Problem 6a



Problem 4


Problem 4a



Problem 5

Problem 3b

Problem 6

The odds are stacked against the fleet owners

what can be done to help alleviate or control the problems?

you have questions, we have the solutions, call us to find out.

 CAll Today

If you have bulk fuel storage, the first step is testing your tank bottom and what is coming out of the nozzle.  Star Oilco can do a complementary  ASTM and ISO specification analysis of your diesel fuel.  If you are seeing recurring fuel system issue, the first step is to make sure your bulk storage isn’t the problem. We can help.

Tank Testing Form

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BioDiesel Feedstocks – Castor Oil & Choice White Grease 1024 721 Star Oilco

BioDiesel Feedstocks – Castor Oil & Choice White Grease

In this post we continue our deeper look into different types of feedstock that Renewable Energy Group (REG) studied in 2009 in the Feedstock and Biodiesel Characteristics Report. This week’s two feedstocks are Castor Oil and Choice White Grease. For more information and more feedstocks this is the main page of the feedstocks we have examined so far.

Castor Oil

Castor oil comes from Ricinus communis, known commonly as the castor bean plant. While the castor bean is not a real bean, it is called this due to the shape of the seeds.  These seeds consist of about 45-50% oil. Ricinus communis known commonly as Castor Bean plantRicinus communis is a fast-growing shrub type plant that can reach the size of a small tree. This perennial flowering plant is native to the southeastern Mediterranean Basin, Eastern Africa, and India, but grows easily throughout tropical regions. It is not a cold hardy plant, although in a suitable environment it can become invasive.  Castor bean plants are grown as ornamental plants throughout the world and are used extensively as a decorative plant in parks and public areas. The castor bean plan will grow rapidly in a single season, about 6-10’ tall. Ornamentally, it is most valued for its huge, palmately (having four or more lobes or leaflets radiating from a single point) 5-11 pointed lobes, toothed, glossy green leaves (each to 1-3’ across) and round, spikey, reddish-brown seed capsules. Small cup-shaped, greenish-yellow apetalous (lacking flower petals) spikes which are not particularly showy. Different cultivations of the plant result in dwarf and large plants, some with attractive reddish, bronze or purple leaves and bright and colorful flowers. Castor Beans contain about 45-50% oil

An additional benefit of this source of oil is that it doesn’t impact the food supply. The entire plant is poisonous, but has some reported medicinal uses. Other uses of the plant include being used as an insecticide against some ticks and food for silkworms. Castor oil has been used as a lubricant in engines for years, because of the high heat resistance it has historically been used in two-stroke engines.





Castor Oil and Bio-diesel sample

Castor Oil biodiesel Certificate of Analysis

Choice White Grease

The US Department of Agriculture defines Choice White Grease (CWG) as “A specific grade of mostly pork fat defined by hardness, color, fatty acid content, moisture, insolubles, unsaponifiables and free fatty acids.”

CWG is similar to beef tallow that we discussed in a previous week. It is an animal by-product, meaning that they are only produced in relation of raising the animal for meat or food production. As we can see from the picture it is a saturated fat and is at least partially solid at room temperature. This means that the resulting B100 biodiesel will have a higher cloud point.  CWG has historically been used as livestock feed. Additionally, using CWG for biodiesel gives pork producers an additional revenue and outlet for the product, helping elevate the return on investment for these farmers.

Choice White Grease and Bio-diesel sample

Choice White Grease biodiesel Certificate of Analysis


Last article for biodiesel feedstocks was Algae Oil and Canola Oil.

BioDiesel Feedstocks – Algae Oil & Canola Oil 1024 721 Star Oilco

BioDiesel Feedstocks – Algae Oil & Canola Oil

This post’s two oils are Algal Oil and Canola Oil.  If you would like to look ahead at some of the other feedstocks that Renewable Energy Group (REG) studied, or if you would like to look a little more in-depth at the comparisons here is the link to the Feedstock and Biodiesel Characteristics Report.   This is the main page of feedstocks we have looked at so far, and last weeks look at Borage Oil & Camelina Oil is here.  B20 Biodiesel (B20 stands for 20% biodiesel and 80% petroleum diesel)  is the drop in solution for reduced emissions in today’s modern diesel engines.  To understand what some of the alternate feedstocks that can be used for biodiesel, we are examining a report that Renewable Energy Group (REG) produced in 2009. All certificates of analysis and results are for B100.

Algal Oil

Algal Oil has a huge potential to be the next source of Biofuel feedstock. Among the many benefits is that algae can be grown in any environment that can contain water, and algae doesn’t carry the negative stigma of using a potential source of food to create a fuel.  In addition, you could use algae to clean up waste water and then use the fats to create the biodiesel. A recent study here is working on that concept. The U.S. Department of Energy has recently invested $2 million dollars into University of Michigan for research into algae as a diesel fuel. (see story here) The goal is to find high yield algae that produce a high grade bio crude for renewable diesel or biodiesel. Here is the YouTube video about the research.

The two diverse samples of crude algal oil, that were used in the report from 2009, were obtained from Solazyme, Inc.  This Company works with algae to produce renewable oils and ingredients for industries. The report doesn’t go into what kinds of algae was used or the process that they used to convert the algae to oil.

Biodiesel Certificate of Analysis for Algae Oil 1 Bio-diesel Certificate of Analysis for Algae Oil 2

Canola Oil

Canola is the seed of the species Brassica napus or Brassica campestris.Canola is the seed of the species Brassica napus Brassica Napus is also known as rape or rapeseed.  The name rape is derived from the Latin word for turnip, rapum.  Brassicaceae is the family of which mustard, cauliflower and cabbage belong.  The name Canola comes from the contraction of Canada and ola, meaning oil.  Developed in 1970s by researchers from the University of Manitoba and Agri-Food Canada, the use of the term Canola means that the oilseed meets certain standards.  The Official Definition of Canola is:

“Seeds of the genus Brassica (Brassica napusBrassica rapa or Brassica juncea) from which the oil shall contain less than 2% erucic acid in its fatty acid profile and the solid component shall contain less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3 butenyl glucosinolate, and 2-hydroxy- 4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air-dry, oil-free solid.”

Government regulation requires Canola oil to to be limited to a maximum of 2% erucic acid these particular samples contains less than two percent erucic acid and the solid component contains less than 30 micromoles per gram of glucosinolates.

According to Reuters, “Rapeseed is the most produced oilseed in the EU.” This trend is gradually shifting to soya beans this article continues to explain. Currently 60 percent of the vegetable oil used in biodiesel comes from rapeseed oil in the EU.

Canola is the seed of the species Brassica napus

Certificate of Analysis from REG for Canola Oil based Bio-diesel



BioDiesel Feedstocks – Borage Oil & Camelina Oil 1024 721 Star Oilco

BioDiesel Feedstocks – Borage Oil & Camelina Oil

This post continues our deeper look into different types of feedstock that Renewable Energy Group (REG) studied in 2009 in the Feedstock and Biodiesel Characteristics Report.  Different feedstocks give the resulting B100 biodiesel different characteristics.   This week’s two oils are Borage Oil and Camelina Oil.  If you would like to learn more about some of the other feedstocks please visit the main page of feedstocks we have looked at so far.

Borage Oil

Borage oil comes from the plant, Borago officinalis, also known as starflower. Borage officinalis Plant (starflower)The starflower is easily grown in average, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to light shade. In addition this plant tolerates poor soils and drought. It is native to Mediterranean region and is an annual that will continue to propagate itself in a garden by reseeding. The plant grows to 2 to 3 feet tall and the flowers are commonly blue, although pink and white flowers are commonly cultivated.  The flowering season is relatively long from June to September and in milder climates the starflower will bloom for most of the year.

The leaves are edible and the plant is commercially cultivated for its oil.  As a fresh vegetable it is said to have a cucumber-like taste and the flowers have a sweet taste.  It has the highest value of γ-linolenic acid in any readily available specialty oil.

Certificate of Analysis of Borage Oil. Borage Oil sample and Borage Biodiesel sample

Camelina Oil

Camelina oil comes from the plant, Camelina sativa, a member of the mustard family and a distant relative to canola. It is an annual flowering plant that grows well in temperate climates and it also has the common names of gold-of-pleasure and false flax. Camelina SativaThis flowering plant is native to Europe and Central Asian areas. Camelina plants grow from 1 to 3 feet tall, are heavily branched and produce seed pods with many small, oily seeds. Some varieties of camelina contain 38-40 % oil. Camelina can be grown in arid conditions and does not require significant amounts of fertilizer.

According to science direct:

“Camelina is adaptable to many different environmental conditions… Camelina an ideal crop for use on less productive lands and in areas without sufficient rainfall to support other crops. When produced under these circumstances, Camelina would not be displacing crops used for food production and positively addresses the food for fuel debate that often plagues the use of crop oils for fuel production.”

Camelina only requires a short growing season and they are fast growing. In 2009, the Navy purchased 40,000 gallons of jet fuel derived from camelina.

The oil is high in omega-3 fatty acid. This makes the oil great for biofuels and the resulting leftover meal a good option for livestock feed. Other uses for this plant consist of the oils being used in cosmetics, burnt in lamps, and herbal medicine. The seeds are edible and can be eaten raw in salads or mixed with water to create an egg substitute.


Camelina Oil Chart - Certificate of Analysis Camelina Oil and Camelina BioDiesel


Next weeks biodiesel feedstocks are Algae Oil and Canola Oil.

Bio-diesel and Feed-stock samples at REG
What Types of Feedstock Can Be Used To Make Biodiesel? 700 525 Star Oilco

What Types of Feedstock Can Be Used To Make Biodiesel?

To answer what feedstocks can be used to make biodiesel we need to first answer – What is Biodiesel?

Biodiesel is created through a process called transesterification.  Transecterification is when an alcohol such as methanol or ethanol is added to an oil or fat.  This creates methyl esters and glycerin.  Methyl esters is the scientific name of Biodiesel.  Because biodiesel needs a fat or an oil to start with, this fuel can can be created with any number of feedstocks.  If you would like to learn more about Biodiesel check out this for more questions about biodiesel.

According to the U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy:

“A feedstock is defined as any renewable, biological material that can be used directly as a fuel, or converted to another form of fuel or energy product. Biomass feedstocks are the plant and algal materials used to derive fuels like ethanol, butanol, biodiesel, and other hydrocarbon fuels. Examples of biomass feedstocks include corn starch, sugarcane juice, crop residues  such as corn stover and sugarcane bagasse, purpose-grown grass crops, and woody plants. “

Renewable Energy Group (REG) performed a study in 2009 with the support of the Iowa Power Fund Board and the Iowa Office of Energy Independence that tested 36 individual feed-stocks.  Star Oilco will be spotlighting these feedstocks through our blog and our social media. The full report can be found on their site if you would like to read ahead or explore the results in more depth. We hope you find these as interesting as we did!

Bio-diesel and Feed-stock samples at REG

Above photo taken at REG headquarters in Ames, Iowa.

This first blog highlights the following 2 types of feed-stock:

Babussa Oil & Beef Tallow

Babassu Oil

Attalea speciosa

Babassu oil is extracted from the seeds of the babassu palm tree, Attalea speciosa, an evergreen tree growing to 30 m (98ft) by 20 m (65ft) at a slow rate. It is hardy to zone (UK) 10 and is not frost tender. The flowers are pollinated by bees and other insects. The tree is common in Brazil, Mexico, and Honduras; it grows well in areas typically cultivated for coconut or palm. The kernels contain 60-70% oil, appear transparent, and smell like walnuts. In its natural form the oil is liquid at 20-30°C (68 – 86°F). The seeds are edible and the oil is used in margarine, soaps, detergents, lamp oil and skin products. Oil extraction results in a cake containing 15-25% protein (depending on the shell content), which is a valuable feedstuff.

In February 2008, Babassu palm oil and coconut oil were blended with jet fuel to power a Virgin Atlantic Boeing 747 during a test flight from London’s Heathrow to Amsterdam.

Babassu oil is extracted from the seeds of the babassu palm treeBabassu Oil Chart

Beef Tallow

Tallow is a rendered form of the waste fats and greases from processing beef. Rendering is a process by which lipid material is separated from meat tissue and water under heat and pressure. Beef tallow is primarily made up of triglycerides and it is solid at room temperature. The B100 that is created from this source has a very high cloud point. “Cloud point is the temperature at which wax (paraffin) begins to separate when oil chilled to a low temperature, and it serves as an important indicator of practical performance in automotive applications in low temperatures.”  (Source)  The other uses for tallow include animal feed, soap, cooking and in the past, candles.

Beef Tallow Animal tissue is converted to tallow using rendering; a process by which lipid material is separated from meat tissue and water under heat and pressure.Beef Tallow Chart


Article 2 Feedstock : Borage Oil & Camelina Oil

Article 3 Feedstock : Algae Oil & Canola Oil.

Article 4 Feedstock : Castor Oil and Choice White Grease

Article 5 Feedstock : Coconut Oil and Coffee Oil

Article 6 Feedstock : Evening Primrose Oil and Fish Oil

Article 7 Feedstocks : Hemp Oil & High IV and Low IV Hepar

Article 8 Feedstocks : Jatropha Oil, Jojoba Oil, & Karania Oil

Article 9 Feedstocks : Lesquerella Oil & Linseed Oil

Article 10 Feedstocks – Moringa Oil & Neem Oil

Article 11 Feedstocks – Palm Oil & Perilla Seed Oil

Article 12 Feedstocks – Poultry Fat & Rice Bran Oil

Article 13 Feedstocks – Soybean Oil & Stillingia Oil

Article 14 Feedstocks – Sunflower Oil & Tung Oil

Oregon Biodiesel and Ethanol Fuel Mandates 1024 640 Star Oilco

Oregon Biodiesel and Ethanol Fuel Mandates

Oregon Biofuel Blending Requirements for Gasoline and Diesel.

Oregon law has a 5% Biodiesel and 10% Ethanol fuel blend mandate.

In Oregon, you can expect to buy a biofuel with every gallon of gas or diesel, whether you are buying at a retail pump or commercially delivered bulk fuel. Unless you are expressly seeking out a ethanol-free premium unleaded or off road heating oil expressly free of biodiesel, you can expect the fuel will have a low carbon blend of biofuel in it.

Why does Oregon have biofuel blended in every gallon of fuel?

There are several layers of rules, requirements, and incentives placing a minimum of 5% biodiesel blend in diesel and a 10% ethanol blend in gasoline. The City of Portland’s Bureau of Development Services provides information and resources on the background of both Portland and Oregon’s requirements.

Oregon state has a 5% blend mandate for all diesel fuels sold statewide. Portland has its own standard of for 5% biofule in diesel, which is slightly different but functionally the same as the states. Oregon’s standard requires B5/R5 if it’s sold into  machinery (dyed off road or clear on road diesel), which requires a 5% biofuel component. In the  formation of this Oregon statewide mandate, renewable diesel was considered acceptable.

Oregon also has a 10% ethanol blend mandate for all gasoline fuels with a few exceptions. Portland has this same rule as it mandated ethanol blends prior to Oregon state. Oregon has exceptions for ethanol-free premium unleaded.  (Warning: the City of Portland has no exemption for non-oxygenated premium fuels) though there are some sellers of it. Oregon state’s exceptions being premium gasoline for aviation and non-ethanol premium gasoline sold at retail gas stations. This was adopted later after the initial Renewable Fuel Standard mandates. Portland did not follow Oregon with this flexibility for small engine or classic car enthusiasts seeking non-ethanol fuel.

The rules that drive biofuel use in Oregon’s fuel:

The City of Portland has its own Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) which is seen in Portland City Code Chapter 16.60 Motor Vehicle Fuels. This RFS requires all diesel sold (either commercial or retail fuel) to contain a minimum 5% biodiesel (specifically methyl-ester molecule). The RFS also requires all gasoline sold (either commercial or retail gas stations) to contain a 10% blend of ethanol. In addition to this fuel blend requirement, Portland also has requirements for the original feedstock biodiesel is made from. Portland requires that 50% of the biodiesel feedstock be sourced from recycled vegetable oil, canola oil, and a few other types available in the Pacific NW.

The State of Oregon has its own Renewable Fuel Standard. It is less restrictive than Portland’s, allowing renewable diesel or biodiesel to meet its 5% blend requirement. You can find the law in Oregon Revised Statute 646.922. The Oregon RFS also requires a 10% ethanol to be blended with gasoline. There is an exception for premium gasoline to be ethanol-free.  This fuel is commonly called “Non-Oxy Premium” or “Clear Premium” by those seeking to order it.

If you want more information on successfully using Biodiesel and Ethanol in your fleet.

If your fleet is seeking to succeed with biofuels, here are some great resources to learn more about biodiesel, ethanol,  and renewable diesel fuels.

If you have questions about biofuels, Star Oilco can help. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions, even if you are not in our market. We want you to be successful in your fleet.  We are here to help.

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Use Pacific Pride Cardlock to Fuel your Portland, Oregon Fleet 1024 593 Star Oilco

Use Pacific Pride Cardlock to Fuel your Portland, Oregon Fleet

Seize Control of Your Fuel Spending with Pacific Pride Cardlock

A Pacific Pride Cardlock Card gives you the ultimate control over when and where fuel is purchased. Plus, we guarantee the highest level of control by offering human support to make it easy for a small business. You have enough to manage and don’t need another website to log into! Know who bought what, when, and where — in real time — to better manage the buying decisions by your drivers.

Pacific Pride, CFN, WEX, Voyager and other fleet cards all have similar tools. But with Pacific Pride Cardlock, you’ll benefit from stand alone commercial fuel sites that are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

In Oregon, the minimum wage is rising and that means the retail price of fuel is rising to pay for those wages.  While other cards require you to wait in line and pay someone to fuel your vehicle in Oregon, Pacific Pride stand alone cardlock locations avoid that needless labor and allow your business to serve itself around the clock. Get out of fuel lines and save on your total cost of fuel.

Beyond the time and money savings of avoiding retail fuel lines, Pacific Pride cardlock also is far more secure to protect you from someone stealing fuel with your fleet card. Star Oilco’s Pacific Pride cardlock offering has a single simple tool for you: a human being on the other side helping make sure the total program is working. We help you grab control of every drop, dollar and driver.

We are your partner in Fleet Card and Cardlock Card success.

Star Oilco goes one step further than our competitors by keeping things simple and easy for you. This is done with the obvious human element and best practices that complete the full value that a secured fuel card offers.

Call us and have us take care of that for you. You tell us what you want, we’ll consult with you and you’ll get a working card program.

This is what we recommend for your non-management cards:

  1. Secure your fleet card to a vehicle (attached to the license plate on the bill or place the fleet card on the key ring of the vehicle).
  2. Designate your vehicle cards to only work in the state’s zip codes that you service during the times of day you operate as a business.
  3. Give each driver a unique and secret PIN attached to their name (so when they use a card, their name appears on the bill next to the transaction).
  4. Implement a “No Tolerance Fuel Theft Policy” with your Human Resource policy. Have every employee sign a contract with your business that they own their personal secret PIN and it is only for them to use. Star Oilco can provide a recommended policy for you to use. Then, if they share their PIN with someone else, they will be responsible for anything that happens. If theft is happening, it is a “No Tolerance” dismissal offense on the first occurrence.
  5. Use the e-receipts to see in real-time fuel purchases. An electronic receipt is emailed to your Controller or Dispatcher to watch for off-policy fuel usage in real time, which allows your Dispatch or Management to respond the same day to questionable decisions around fuel cards.

Now, imagine how this works for your business in practice.

You can set up restrictions by days of the week, hours of the day or even by zip codes. If your business does not operate on weekends, turn off the fuel cards during the times you do not operate. If your fleet is never on the road before 7am and is back at home by 7pm every night, set up those time restrictions to make it that much harder for fuel theft to occur. If you need to update this, change something, order cards, etc., just call our office and we take care of that update for you.

With our e-receipts, your Dispatch will get an email every time fuel is purchased. You will see where, what, when and with whom this occurs. You can reinforce your company fuel policies at the local level the same day — No more waiting for the bill to see if a driver did something that cost you money. By seizing control of your fuel, your drivers will also respond to your new level of control as well. By having control and transparency of what your drivers do, they will require less management as they know you are watching.

Often the most controllable expense related with fuel is the fuel that might slip through a business due to unethical employees or outside theft. Fuel slippage is the industry term for unauthorized fuel taking. With Pacific Pride cardlock fuel, you can take control over fuel purchases and avoid the loss up front with card controls. Contact Star Oilco for a total fuel security solution for your business.

Seize control with Star Oilco’s corporate fleet card solutions.

If you have further questions about Pacific Pride and control of your fleet fueling, call us at 503-283-1256 or contact us using the form below.


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Star Oilco is a proud Independent Franchisee of Pacific Pride

Pacific Pride Cardlock Fuel Security

Oregon-Made Biodiesel 1024 819 Star Oilco

Oregon-Made Biodiesel

Low CO2 Biodiesel Made from Waste Vegetable Oil in Salem, Oregon.

B20 Biodiesel A PROVEN FUEL

Star Oilco is a proud seller of locally-sourced biodiesel products.

We believe in biodiesel and run B20 in our own fleet. Star Oilco has been a pioneer in successful fleet demonstration of B20 and blends up to B99 in a host of applications for over a decade. There is no lower cost way to reduce your CO2 emissions than by substituting petroleum diesel with a recycled vegetable oil feedstock biodiesel blend. It is a drop in solution that requires awareness in your fleet maintenance concern — but beyond that is a very low barrier to use.

We have worked with our vendor for recycled oil biodiesel, SeQuential Biofuels, since 2004.

SeQuential Biofuels collects feed stocks collected from deep fryers and food processors throughout the Pacific Northwest to make the lowest CO2 biodiesel fuel in Oregon. If you are seeking to reduce your carbon footprint, biodiesel is your drop in solution. Ready and approved by every manufacturer for on- and off-road vehicles at a 20% biodiesel blend.

How can we help you move forward?  

We are here to help you be successful with biodiesel, even if you are not our customer. Let us know if you have questions or if we can be of help.

Simply call us at 503-283-1256 or contact us using the form below.

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How to save money while fueling your fleet. 1024 572 Star Oilco

How to save money while fueling your fleet.

With recent high diesel and gas prices, saving money on fuel is a priority for many fleets.  Star Oilco is here to help you contain the hidden costs of fuel with our fleet card solutions. 

If you are a fleet manager or in charge of corporate fueling and you use retail gas stations, this article is designed to talk you out of it.

Every year, Star Oilco helps small businesses save labor and protect themselves from theft. It’s the little costs we don’t watch that can add up and really cost a business. We help businesses keep a complicated fuel bill easy to manage.  Be it moving to mobile-onsite fueling, a totally secure fleet card solution, or a combination of the two consolidated onto one bill Star Oilco is here to make things easy.

With wages and fuel costs rising together containing those costs is a priority for every fleet.  Both the labor cost sunk in fueling your own fleet as well as the actual cost of the fuel bought, many of our conversations are around how to structure a clear view of this.  We have solutions and can provide a clear view of your fuel costs via Star Oilco’s Keep it Simple Fuel Audit.

Usually the only time a fuel bill is really examined is after a record setting month for overtime, a huge jump up in the commodity cost of fuel, or a giant volume of fuel theft was discovered.  Essentially, when costs have ballooned out of what they should be that is when businesses dig in and pay attention.

If that describes your need, Star Oilco has a proven system to bring your fuel cards under control and return honest employees to the straight and narrow or document the thieves so you have red-handed proof.  If you are local to Oregon and Washington we can also combine this with the labor savings of wet-hose fueling of your fleet.

Whether it’s with a secured cardlock program or on-site fleet fueling at your business location we can make fuel secure, simple, and at a lower cost than retail. We do this by tailoring your fuel cards to your actual business needs.

If you don’t operate on weekends and after 9pm at night, we make sure the fuel cards that serve that part of the business are not usable during those times. We also attach the name of the person fueling to the bill so you don’t have to research or wonder–you always know who it is. Additionally, we can send an e-receipt to your dispatch the moment anyone buys fuel. This ensures you are managing fuel buying habits in real time, not at the end of the month after the bill arrives.  Also every transaction on your bill can show the name of the human being who got fuel to really shine a light on who is doing what.

At the end of every month most businesses are looking at their bottom line and considering how to control the expense side of the equation. With retail gas station fuel, it can be tricky trying to control cost. If you focus solely on the cost of fuel itself, savings can be allusive in the long run. In fact the greatest tragedies in business usually are the things you don’t see in any statistic, especially the price you pay up front versus over all. The two largest controllable fuel expenses we consistently see are labor and avoiding theft.

If you are curious after reading this, the first step with Star Oilco is a Keep it Simple Fuel Audit performed by our team. Call us if you want to audit your fuel process.

What’s in the price of a gallon of gas or diesel? At Star Oilco we Keep it Simple.

Keep it simple when looking at your bill. There are only a few things in the cost of a gallon of gas or diesel: the commodity cost of fuel, the taxes on fuel, and the margin of the person selling fuel to you. Regardless of where you buy or how high or low the cost, that is what influences your fuel cost. If they call it something else, it’s really marginal and you should negotiate as such. The commodity cost is about the same no matter what. Even the largest buyers in a market are only saving a few pennies and your price per gallon will not be influenced more than a few pennies by this. Taxes should be the same and are easy to verify on Google. Margin is all that’s left. So if you ask your vendor to provide you a cost plus basis it should be very doable. All businesses have cost including oil companies, but they should be able to clearly describe what it costs for them to deliver or supply a gallon of fuel to you.

The cheaper the retail price the longer the wait.

The cheaper the retail price the longer the wait.

Focus on your business’s labor, not on the price per gallon.

If you analyze it, usually your cost of labor to fill up your own vehicles costs more than what the local gas station makes selling you fuel. Add up your cost of labor and the vehicle and know that you are losing probably twenty minutes to a half hour to pull out of route, pull over, and fill up. If you are routing your drivers to save money on a retail street price, you are paying far more for your driver’s to chase savings than you will ever see in savings. The bigger the posted retail savings the longer the line your drivers will wait in as well, making it even more costly to your bottom line.

Remember that if a convenient excuse exists, some will use it. If the answer to why it took so long is consistently because they had to stop and get diesel. Fix that permanently with a fleet fueling company that provides on-site refueling.

Pride Advantage Sample Card

Prevent theft and keep honest people honest.  

As fuel prices jump from time to time, fuel theft takes off as well. For some people, stealing fuel for their personal vehicles can be almost irresistible. Make it very clear that you do not tolerate theft and that you can verify it clearly. With a “Zero Tolerance Fuel Theft Policy” you can get ahead of this eventuality and stop it long before it starts. There are thousands of stories of thousands of dollars in fuel stolen by seemingly good people. It always starts with one person doing it and influencing other employees to think it’s okay. Make sure it is clear that it is not only not-okay, but will be seen and punished. A few years ago a $2.4 Million theft occurred by an unsecured fleet card policy. Though the size of this theft is unbelievable, know if you aren’t tracking fuel purchases with a secret PIN that attaches the name of who did it to the fuel bill, you might be positioning yourself for the same exposure.

As you look at your month end P&L Statement, think about the bigger picture, the bigger costs in your business and that you can engineer systems that give you more control over these costs. Though Star Oilco accepts Voyager, WEX and Comdata cards, we are passionate and feel the Pacific Pride’s solutions are the best for a small business seeking to control their fuel purchase and knocking out theft. If you have questions about how to save on labor and stop theft before it starts, call Star Oilco for a tailored examination of how you buy fuel and how you can save money. We provide Pacific Pride and Fuel Management solutions nation wide in the United States. We can help you get your fuel under control.

Contact Star Oilco to save money on gas and diesel.

Star Oilco is a proud independent Franchisee of Pacific Pride

Pacific Pride Cardlock Fuel Security


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Why should my fleet use Pacific Pride fuel cards? 1024 683 Star Oilco

Why should my fleet use Pacific Pride fuel cards?

Star Oilco Pacific Pride corporate fuel card

Pacific Pride Fleet Fuel card by Star Oilco


A prospective customer asked recently:

“Why should I use a Pacific Pride fleet card over a gas station credit card?”

Here’s our answer:

There are many reasons to use a commercial cardlock solution for your fleet. The biggest reason why you should use Star Oilco for your cardlock needs is that we are a locally owned and operated business that will take the time to tailor a card program to your specific fleet’s needs by asking questions like:

  • What is the greatest risk of theft that we can secure against?
  • Where is the greatest opportunity for savings in how you fuel?

Fleet card sellers and the larger cardlock companies are often focused on making your needs fit their product. Star Oilco focuses on YOU.  That’s a big difference.

With Star Oilco, you don’t have to choose between price or convenience.

PRICE: Cardlock locations do not use a credit card satellite to run transactions. This means you’re saving 2% to 4% right off the bat by using Pacific Pride or CFN, because  cardlock operators taking are not charging you to run your bill through a Visa or other network. Plus, by pulling into a gas station to buy fuel, you’re often forced to pay $.10 a gallon more to use a Comdata, WEX, Voyager, Mastercard or Visa backed fleet card.

With Pacific Pride, you won’t face this charge because it’s on Fleetcor’s network. And by working with a local Pacific Pride franchisee who owns the location, you’ll benefit from their ability to offer additional savings at their location that are not available to anyone else. They own the fuel and therefore have ultimate control on saving you money.

CONVENIENCE: With convenience, comes risk. With Star Oilco’s modern cardlock offering, we can secure your risk and still enable several levels of convenience and access, dependent on your customized fleet need.

We keep things simple: What do you do and where do you do it?

24-7 Convenience with Easy to Access Fueling Facilities

Clean, well lit and large truck friendly cardlock facilities. Cardlock is made for business and if you are operating doubles and triples, we can work with your staff to map out the easy in-and-out high-flow diesel fueling options for your drivers.

Industry-Leading Card Security

We offer a wide range of solutions that allow you, as a fleet manager, to lock down and protect your fleet from theft. If you only operate in specific areas, we can turn off whatever cards you want to not operate outside of where you want your trucks. If you don’t operate after a certain time of day we can turn non-management cards off to guard against after-hours sales fuel theft.

Email Notification for Total Control

See fuel transactions in real time. When your drivers make a fuel purchase at Pacific Pride or other affiliate fueling locations, an email will notify you or your dispatch. If your drivers are following your processes and procedures for fuel procurement, it will be easy for you to immediately reinforce the rules instead of waiting for a bill. Better yet, if something is wrong with the fuel purchase (out of area/time/product), you will know immediately a problem has occurred and can respond accordingly.

Flexibility or Structured Control.  We offer both!

Whether you want your drivers to be able to get fuel and get on the road as fast as possible, or stay locked into a specific zip code of only the lowest-cost commercial cardlock locations, we can make that happen. And not only do we make it easy, we can shift gears quickly to stay ahead of your evolving business needs.

Total Accountability for Fuel Usage

Total accountability means added convenience for your controller, CPA and HR manager. Beyond designing simple security features, we can:

  • Align fuel usage with your vehicle license plates by providing a private PIN to your employees.
  • Track miles per gallon in the vehicles to confirm if the fuel actually went into that vehicle or not.
  • Customize billing to link employee names to card usage.

Bottom line: You will know which vehicle took what fuel and who the person was who fueled it. And when an unlikely fueling occurs, you will have evidence of the person who did it and that the vehicle’s mileage is off, providing proof if needed. Combine Pacific Pride’s total control with a “No Tolerance Fuel Theft Policy” for additional authority to fire fuel thieves under any state’s employment laws.

Simple and Accurate Fuel Management and Reporting

Star Oilco’s system enables easy reports anytime you want them. If you require a CSV file or other report for your operation, tax reports, budgeting or other business needs we are there for you to make this easy.

Commercial Diesel Pricing with Volume Discounts

Pacific Pride commercial cardlocks are priced from the wholesale market rate. Our price is straightforward and based a daily OPIS Wholesale Rack report from your local market.  Instead of retail posted price signs where the corner gas station is trying to get as much as they can, our diesel fuel is priced on a cost plus basis. This is far more transparent and will save you money compared to retail on diesel fuel. When prices are high, our prices are far more fair. When prices fall, we fall with the wholesale market from the OPIS Average the day the market starts moving down. Pacific Pride locations are also designed with high speed diesel pumps that save large trucks time.

Try Pacific Pride to see for yourself!

To sign up for Star Oilco’s Pacific Pride fleet card or ask questions:

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Star Oilco is an independent franchisee of Pacific Pride