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Oregon Supports Renewable Diesel

The Future of Diesel Fuel 940 788 Star Oilco

The Future of Diesel Fuel

Retail Diesel Dispenser Example
Retail Diesel Pumps with a variety of blends of diesel. Biodiesel, Renewable Diesel, and Fossil Diesel blends shown in Portland, Oregon.

Diesel Fuel In Oregon and Washington

Star Oilco has been getting questions on the changes of diesel in Portland, Oregon.  If you have not noticed, many diesel pumps at retail gas stations and cardlock have seen changing stickers on the face of the fuel pumps.  As of July 1st, 2024 the City of Portland requires a minimum 15% biofuel content of all diesel sold.  This policy is called the Portland Renewable Fuel Standard.

This has caused quite a few changes in what fuel pumps have for fuel.  Diesel fuel buyers are noticing the bright yellow color of B20 biodiesel, the water clear color of Renewable Diesel or a a mix of several fuels tinting the color of their diesel.  This trend is bigger than just Portland.

Today on the west coast there are a variety of product label stickers you will see on diesel pumps.  These show the variety of diesel fuel specifications that are being sold to diesel vehicles today. Blends of petroleum ultra low sulfur diesel, R99 (99%) renewable diesel, and B99 (99%) Biodiesel are combined to meet the market needs of the diesel we all buy.

This change is because of a combination of pure market forces, government rules and local decisions by fuel haulers.  Today’s diesel not only has a commodity market for the fuel it also has a market for CO2 credit value and a cap of total petroleum diesel fuel that can be sold into a west coast state with a “Cap and Investprogram requiring blends of low CO2 biofuels, the liquid fuels sold for vehicles.

Add on top of these market forces, advances in technology used to make the liquid diesel fuel.  The diesel arriving at truck stops, gas stations, cardlock or out of a hose from a bulk truck has been changing and it’s often in good ways.  Knowing how can be helpful in navigating why diesel may cost one price or another and may have a need or maintenance that another fuel does not.


Renewable diesel is a synthetic diesel fuel made from the same feedstock as biodiesel, but the finished product is hydrocarbon diesel.  Though it is a biofuel, it is also diesel. For fuel regulation they refer to it (as well as biodiesel) as “Biomass Based Diesel” for labeling at the fuel pump.

There have been billions of plant capacity brought online for renewable diesel.  During the COVID collapse of fuel prices a number of petroleum refineries shut down, then upgraded their technology to make hydrocarbon diesel fuels out of the very biobased fats, oils, and greases biodiesel is made from.  These refineries use hydrotreating technology just like they do with a crude petroleum to make an actual hydrocarbon diesel molecule.   With this technology adoption to make diesel and jet fuels from vegetable oils and animal fats billions of gallons of low CO2 diesel fuels are coming on the market and governments are requiring it’s use, such as Portland’s Renewable Fuel Standard.

Renewable Diesel Consumption it the US Source: Alternative Fuels Data Center


The US makes billions of gallons of biodiesel.  A fuel that’s quality and performance continues to improve.  If you are not a fan of biodiesel in your fuel thinking strategically about the fuel will likely benefit your fleet operation.  The big concern with diesel fuel in a ultra low sulfur world is water and dirt suspended in the fuel affecting the performance of diesel emission systems.  With clean and drier quality specifications of B99 blend stocks today versus a decade ago the use of this fuel has grown substantially especially in the truck stop market.

When crude petroleum prices are high and therefore refined diesel prices are equally as high biodiesel is often an extremely competitive fuel.  If a large seller of diesel (including petroleum refiners) can pick up pennies per gallons on millions of gallons sold they will do so.  Therefore Biodiesel is often seen in diesel in small blends even if you do not see a label on retail pump.  For blends above 5% a label is required for retail fuel sales. RTHWEST?

R99 Renewable Diesel fuel dispenser label
Ultra Low Sulfur Retail Diesel Label
Biodiesel Blend Percentage label for retail diesel dispenser

Above are a variety of labels used to denote what fuel blend is coming out of a retail diesel dispenser. Feel free to call Star Oilco at 503-283-1256 if this confuses you and you want it explained.  We would be glad to do so.

These labels can be found together often at one pump.  All state and Federal standards require ultra low sulfur diesel for any on-road diesel sale.  The Federal standards also adopted by the states require a disclosure at the fuel pump if a blend is above 5% biodiesel.  The max allowable blend of biodiesel for diesel truck manufactures is a 20% blend.  If a truck dealership says that you cannot blend biodiesel up to 20% they need to take that up with the Federal Government because they need to support it.  This is why the label shows a blend may contain between 5% and 20% biodiesel content.

Renewable diesel is a hydrocarbon diesel. 


It is diesel meeting the ASTM D975 specification for diesel. 

Retailers selling blends of R99 in their fuel do not need to label it given this.  They still do label it given the benefits of the fuel’s performance and that customers are seeking that fuel.

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Many retail places will have stacked labels showing they may be blending 5% to 20% biodiesel as well as may be adding R99 Renewable Diesel to the fuel as market conditions dictate it is the more cost competitive fuel.  When seeing a label like this it can usually be assumed they are blending a R80 (80% Renewable Diesel) and a B20 (20% Biodiesel) blend of fuel.  This blend is actually believed by some to be a higher performing fuel seeing better performance that a R99 or B20 fossil fuel blend.

Fossil fuel diesels are being replaced or blended with biomass based diesels.  Be it Renewable Diesel or Biodiesel.  These blends are driven by more than one industry requirements, government rules, or other market forces. One of these being Portland’s banned on petroleum diesel through the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). This is resulting in an increase of low-carbon biofuel blends that will ultimately move to a mix of 99% renewable fuel requirement by 2030.

Renewable Diesel and Biodiesel Blend fuel dispenser label.

The big drivers are industry specification for fuels (both labeling as well as chemical characteristics), state rules on selling these fuels, their quality assurance as well as CO2 content, and of course the market forces.  Market forces being the supply and demand availability of fuel needed to meet customers.  Less fuel available to sell means higher prices for customers.

A decade ago the market for diesel was far simpler. Though you had biofuels and some blend mandates basically you had a diesel specification accepted and the daily price as tracked by a lighted retailers sign, a wholesale market average or spot buying by some customers.   Today this market is far more complicated by government regulation on the west coast.  There are three big programs at state levels impacting this.

State Fuel Rules cause a unique need for one state or another. Whereas twenty years ago if Oregon or Washington fuel was selling for more than the Gulf Coast you might see brokers bring fuel into the region then driving down high prices.  With the creation of various complex and unique rules on diesel, imports of fuel to these low CO2 fuel states has dropped.  The amount of people moving product into west coast states has dropped.  The big rules causing this are the Cap and Invest programs of the West Coast states, the Low CO2 Fuel Standards of the states, and the fuel blend mandates of various jurisdictions of these states. For instance California now requires all off-road diesels but 99% renewable diesel.  Portland, Oregon also has a CO2 requirement and minimum 15% blend of biomass based diesel on all fuel sold in the state.


Petroleum Diesel:
ASTM D975 Specification.

The ASTM D975 is a series of tests used to maintain consistent industry standard product performance for diesel fuel.  It includes among several tests cloud point, cold filter plug point (CFPP), several masurements of diesel fuel operability performance, intrained water content, sediment, carbon residue, ash, distillation, viscosity, sulfur, copper corrosion, cetane number, cetane index, aromaticity, and conductivity.

Renewable Diesel:
ASTM D975 Specification.

Renewable Diesel is following the same series of tests as petroleum refined diesel fuels.  It is the same ASTM D975 specification. Though Renewable Diesel has some different properties that exceed the ASTM specification of diesel.  Renewable Diesel is highly prized as a fuel because it typically is a cleaner and drier diesel fuel than petroleum diesel. This being seen by the tests on sediment and water content in a parts per million level.  Renewable Diesel content in diesel fuel can also be tested for looking for a C14 molecule (the chain typically created in a Hydrotreated Diesel process from fats, oils and greases.

Biodiesel (Methyl Esther):
ASTM D6751 Specification.

The ASTM for Biodiesel tests a mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils and animal fats. The testing for quality assurance covers an analysis for flash point, methanol, water and sediment, kinematic viscosity, sulfated ash, oxidation stability, sulfur, copper strip corrosion, cetane number, cloud point, acid number, carbon residue, total and free glycerin, phosphorus, reduce pressure distillation temperature, atmospheric equivalent temperature, combined calcium and magnesium, and combined sodium and magnesium.

For more on Biodiesel Use and Handling the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has a great book on the subject.


In the 1990’s the US EPA passed rules that demanded a phase out of sulfur in diesel fuel.  The presence of sulfur was very good for the fuel’s storage stability as well as fuel lubricity, but was horrible for air quality.   Additionally the big smog contributor was NOx (nitrous oxide) which was one of the EPA’s reason’s for pulling sulfur out of diesel.  For the EPA to get engine manufacturers to treat the NOx emissions at the tailpipe they needed all the sulfur gone (ultra low sulfur diesel) for modern diesel emission systems to be able to eliminate NOx as well as a host of other pollutants including particulates.

The story of changing diesel fuel standards in the US under the EPA is one of removing sulfur from our diesel fuel.  In 1996 the fuel refiners and sellers of diesel had to move the sulfur content of the fuel sold for on-road purposes to below a 500 parts per million standard. Commonly referred to as Low Sulfur Diesel fuel.   In 2006 the standard moved to a maximum of 15 parts per million of sulfur for all on road fuels.

In 2006 while the sulfur content of fuel was dropping the City of Portland released the first mandated blend of biodiesel content.  This being a 5% biodiesel blend.  The next year, the State of Oregon followed with its own Renewable Fuel Standard requiring this throughout the state.  This began the expectation of biodiesel in most diesel fuel in the Portland, Oregon area.  Washington also passed a similar policy for blending biodiesel but the enforcement and need for the fuel is less specific at Washington fuel pumps.

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What Is The Renewable Fuel Standard In Portland? 1024 683 Star Oilco

What Is The Renewable Fuel Standard In Portland?

Did you hear about the time Portland banned fossil fuel diesel?

Portland is making a big move to provide cleaner air and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Portland has implemented what’s called the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) beginning  its first phase on May 15th, 2024. The RFS policy in Portland mandates that there has to be an increase of use of low-carbon biofuels in diesel within city limits of Portland. This is part of the ultimate Climate Emergency plan. This RFS mandate was first implemented in 2006 as a B5 (5%) Biodiesel blend mandate with the goal of mandating a 20% blend. The RFS is the first of its kind not only in Oregon but in the entire United States. Portland’s reputation as a leader in environmental sustainability efforts continues. 

Portland’s Phases To Implement Almost 100% Renewable Diesel

What makes Portland’s mandate unique is the requirement that the biofuels have a CO2 value so low it bars most American made biodiesels. The blending requirement starts at 15% in 2024, and then it will steadily increase to 50% by 2026 and will reach 99% by 2030. This schedule demonstrates how Portland’s low-carbon ambition is present to transition away from fossil fuels and promote alternative energy sources.

This policy is expected to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions. It will also create new markets for biofuels, which will lead to increased economic opportunities. This will ultimately help the city become a more sustainable and environmentally friendly place to live as Portland has taken the lead in striving for sustainability over the years.

The policy will also help create jobs in the biofuel industry and provide opportunities for businesses to switch to renewable energy sources. It will also help reduce the city’s dependence on fossil fuels and protect the environment for future generations.

Want to learn more about meeting Portland’s requirements for the Renewable Fuel Standard mandate?


Focus on Lower-Emission Biofuels

Uniquely, Portland’s RFS goes beyond just the biofuel blend. It also sets a strict carbon intensity (CI) standard for the biofuels themselves. This ensures the biodiesels used have a significantly lower carbon footprint compared to traditional options. Biodiesels produced domestically often fall short of this CI requirement, prompting many suppliers to look to renewable diesel sources. This focus on biofuels with a lower lifecycle carbon footprint makes Portland’s RFS even more impactful in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Exemptions and Implementation Details

The initial phase of the RFS targets on-road diesel sales. This applies to diesel purchased at gas stations, by mobile fueling companies, and for use in large stationary tanks. However, the long-term goal includes all diesel use within the city. Some temporary exemptions apply to off-road diesel uses such as heating oil, generator fuel, aircraft fuels, watercraft fuels, and other dyed fuel users. One local truck stop, Jubitz Truckstop, was granted a temporary exemption. This is likely due to concerns about disrupting critical transportation operations. Daimler (the manufacturer of Freightliner and Western Star trucks) has a research facility in Portland. Daimler was also granted an exemption to meet their specific fuel needs for testing purposes. 

The RFS enforces compliance through fuel sampling and requires documentation proving the fuel meets the minimum biofuel content and CI standards. Businesses that purchase diesel need to be able to show their compliance through bills of lading (BOLs) or similar records from their fuel provider, like Star Oilco. If a business does not comply and provide this documentation, it can result in pretty hefty fines. First offenses can be a fine of $10,000 per day. Repeat offenders will end up facing even bigger penalties of up to $15,000 per day. These fines can really show the impact of how serious Portland is taking this initiative. 

Impact on Businesses and Consumers

While residential consumers who don’t purchase diesel directly are not directly impacted, businesses purchasing diesel, especially in bulk, will need to adapt to the new regulations. This may involve acquiring documentation from fuel suppliers or entering into contracts guaranteeing compliant fuel blends. Wholesale fuel distributors, who sometimes purchase from multiple vendors and blend fuel mid-route, may face additional challenges in tracking the biofuel content and CI of their product. However, as the program matures, the industry is expected to adapt and streamline these compliance procedures.

Contact Us Today To Discuss What This Means For Your Business

A Step Forward for Cleaner Transportation

Portland’s ambitious RFS sets a new expectation for sustainable transportation. Promoting low-carbon biofuels allows Portland to aim to significantly reduce its reliance on fossil fuels and be able to contribute to cleaner air for its residents. The RFS program will be able to serve as a model for other cities that are looking at implementing similar initiatives. Great job Portland for paving the way to a sustainable future for other cities! Although challenges will remain, as businesses adapt to this new norm, Portland’s RFS represents a significant step forward in creating a more sustainable transportation sector.

The RFS program is an important step in the fight towards sustainability and lower carbon fuels. It sends a clear message that cities are willing to take action to reduce emissions and protect the environment. We anticipate that other cities will follow Portland’s lead and create similar initiatives. This will have a significant impact in reducing emissions and helping to protect the environment.

It is a positive step towards a more sustainable future. Alternative fuels have become more and more readily available. Investing in alternative fuels and reducing carbon emissions is essential for protecting the planet for future generations. Governments should prioritize investing in renewable energy sources and incentivize communities to switch to alternative fuel solutions.

Thank you for choosing Star Oilco as your preferred fuel provider in Portland and Vancouver, Washington. Give us a call to discuss how the RFS mandate can affect your business and one of our team members would be happy to discuss this with you.


Do you have questions about Renewable Diesel in Oregon? 1024 768 Star Oilco

Do you have questions about Renewable Diesel in Oregon?

Renewable Diesel delivered in Oregon

Renewable Diesel direct to your fleet.

Imagine a superior next generation renewable diesel direct to your fleet.


Star Oilco is delivering R99 Renewable Diesel to fleets now.

Renewable Diesel delivered to your fleet by mobile onsite fueling or in bulk.

Imagine a fuel that is cleaner and drier than your typical diesel fuel bought in Oregon.  Now imagine that this dry and clean characteristic means a better performing fleet.  A fuel that causes less maintenance and increased performance benefits as it relates to your modern Tier 3 Diesel Emission systems.  Fewer DPF (particulate trap) regens and other post engine maintenance issues in your fleet while more power and up time reported by the drivers behind the wheel.  Now add to that a more than half reduction in CO2 emissions and Oregon has incentives for the adoption of this fuel because it is a biofuel.  A biofuel that outperforms traditional diesel in performance, emissions, and in lifecycle analysis.

That next generation biofuel is here. Renewable Diesel!

Star Oilco can deliver Renewable Diesel to your tank in Oregon and Washington.  If you are looking at this fuel we will work hard to make it easy for you regardless of how small or large your fleet. It is immediately available for bulk customers.   If you are interested in mobile on-site refueling, wet-hosing, construction job site fueling, or a retail option for the fuel we can work with you as well to make that happen.

Renewable Diesel: A Next Generation low CO2 Diesel Fuel.

This product is available in Oregon and we are excited to make getting this fuel simple.  Star Oilco is a proud seller Renewable Diesel product. If decarbonizing your fleet is your goal  while reducing the total cost of maintenance on your fleet, Star Oilco is ready to serve your needs.

Renewable Diesel is available from several manufacturers of Renewable Diesel shipped to Oregon, Washington and California.  This product being made available given it’s lower than petroleum CO2 emissions meeting the Low Carbon Fuel standards created by California, Oregon, and expected in Washington state.

Renewable Diesel clean burning

For more on Renewable Hydrocarbons, please check out the US Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center page on the subject. 

Call Star Oilco with any questions you may have about Renewable Diesel, Biodiesel, Ethanol or other emerging alternative fuels.  We have a track record of making alternative fuels easy for those wanting to use them. Call 503-283-1256 or email OrderDesk@Star and we can get you in conversation with our team about a future fuel available today.

Star Oilco Crest

Star Oilco is delivering R99 Renewable Diesel to fleets in bulk and by mobile onsite fueling.

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For more on Renewable Diesel please also see the following:

Renewable Diesel as a major Transportation Fuel in California

Every Question Star Oilco has been asked about Renewable Diesel

Renewable Energy Group’s Ultra Clean Diesel (Renewable Diesel fuel blends)

Caravan of white trucks on country highway under blue sky
Renewable Diesel as a Major Transportation Fuel in California 1000 723 Star Oilco

Renewable Diesel as a Major Transportation Fuel in California



In the Pacific Northwest we have gone from a complete scarcity of Renewable Diesel availability to several players having terminal positions and this next generation sustainable fuel being readily available.  Star Oilco is ready to serve you with renewable diesel in several blends to meet both your fleet’s financial and carbon budgets.

For years California has lead the west coast with availability of renewable diesel and various blends with both petroleum diesel and biodiesel fuels. This experience is available in the research paper below to help inform your fleet in making decisions about de-carbonizing your fleets.


Fleet managers fell in love with this exceptionally high quality synthetic diesel fuel. Cleaner and drier than your typical petroleum diesel quite  a few believers are willing to pay a large premium for this fuel.  There are hardcore supporters of this fuel and it’s overall ability to reduce operational cost in far excess of it’s added cost. Which raises the next question.  Is it superior to petroleum diesel?

Caravan of white trucks on country highway under blue sky


The answer points to yes based on initial experience rating the fuel on real world performance, fuel mileage, emissions system maintenance costs, and the much lower CO2 emissions.

The whitepaper shown is probably the most in depth resource for a fleet seeking to understand the potential of renewable diesel for its own use.

Renewable diesel is a next generation diesel fuel.  It has a low CO2 footprint similar to biodiesel, yet it is a high performance fuel that reduces down time and maintenance in urban stop-and-go fleet use.  Long story short, it is an impressive fuel solving many problems associated with modern clean diesel engines.

Given the newness of this fuel along, with the few producers of it, there is a real lack of in depth research on the subject.

If you have any questions about Renewable Diesel please feel free to contact us.


This white paper is the most in depth examination of Renewable Diesel operating in the real world. It covers a complete view of the product from the perspective of both fleets operating it and regulators seeking to reduce emissions. In our experience this is the most complete document you are going to find to advise a fleet considering using R99 Renewable Diesel.

Whitepaper – Renewable Diesel as a Major Transportation in California: Opportunities, Benefits, and Challenges.
Whitepaper that Gladstein, Neandross and Associates produced for the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and South Coast AQMD.

This report reinforces the manufacturers of renewable diesel’s statements and many anecdotal statements from fleets using the fuel. Renewable diesel sees superior performance in both emission reduction and performance in existing diesel technology. It is a cleaner burning and lower CO2 fuel that also contributes to a lower cost of vehicle maintenance.

According to this August 2017 report, California was on course to see approximately 250,000,000 gallons of R99 fuel sold in the state that year. This is a world-shaking volume of a next generation biofuel. With these readily adopted volumes, no doubt more product will be finding its way into the marketplace. The report cites a CARB expectation of the California Renewable Diesel market growing to over 2,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) gallons in the next decade.