Wholesale Price Average 1/11/25
Wholesale Low | Wholesale Avg | |
E10 | $2.12 | $2.21 |
B5 | $2.32 | $2.44 |
B20 | $2.24 | $2.39 |
Average Retail Prices 1/11/25
National | Oregon | Washington | |
E10 | $3.07 | $3.46 | $3.89 |
B5 | $3.55 | $3.78 | $4.28 |
Federal | State: OR | Local | State: WA | |
Gas | $0.184 | $0.40 | $0-.13 | $0.494 |
Diesel | $0.244 | $0.40 | $0-.13 | $0.494 |
Oregon Fuel Price Variance

Fuel Market News
Fuel prices have remained relatively low as we begin the new year. Between Christmas week and New Year’s, many professionals were on leave and/or out of the office which led to very minimal price variances across the board. Rack averages in Portland have varied between $0.10 to $0.05/gal settling a few cents off from their listed price to end December. Oregonians may be in store for higher diesel prices this year with the end of Blenders Tax Credits, the introduction of the Producers Tax Credit & the Oregon Climate Protection Program going into 2025. For more on this report visit the link below.
2025 Fuel Market Outlook: Oregon
Winter season is upon is and although weather conditions have been moderate thus far, a storm can change that very quickly. To avoid any power outages for your operations, be sure your back up generators are topped off and ready to trigger when you need them.
Get your generators topped off

Important Note: Per the City Of Portland, “Distributors in the City of Portland are required to meet the minimum biofuel content requirements for all fuel they distribute beginning on May 15, 2024. All diesel fuel distributed to retail stations, non-retail dealers, or wholesale purchaser-consumers must include a minimum of 15% biofuel content, from either renewable diesel or biodiesel. This requirement increases to 50% on May 15, 2026, and 99% on May 15, 2030”.
Crude oil traded above $70 this past week, at a current price of $78.84/barrel. This is $7.83/higher than it was at the end of December.
Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing, and 14% taxes—a helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay. Crude Oil is trading at $71.01/barrel compared to $68.02/barrel, last week and $81 a year ago.
Fuel prices result from a complex interplay of the factors mentioned above and other factors regionally. Additionally, prices may vary by specific regions within Oregon and Washington. For the most precise and up-to-date information on fuel prices and the causes for these price changes within your area, use the links below for AAA & GasBuddy.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact Star Oilco and speak to one of our fuel market advisors to discuss how the market can impact your business.