Bulk Fuel

Keep and make your diesel fuel cleaner

Keep and make your diesel fuel cleaner 1024 768 Star Oilco

What is Clean Diesel?  Clean diesel is free of the contaminants that harm modern diesel engines. Today, there is a gap between ASTM diesel standards and the ISO cleanliness standards needed for use in high pressure common rail engines. Anyone operating a modern clean diesel engine is seeing the effect, including injector replacement, DPF regeneration,…

Fixing the problems with bugs growing in your diesel

Fixing the problems with bugs growing in your diesel 1024 512 Star Oilco

What to do about Biological Growth in Diesel Fuel. Fuel Marketer News has two great articles on biological growth in fuel tanks. Star Oilco as a diesel fuel delivery provider in Oregon and Washington is all to familiar with this emerging problem with ultra-low sulfur bio-diesel blend fuels. Where there is water, bugs can grow…