Spring is just around the corner.
Have you stabilized the diesel in your generator?
Water and temperature changes can contribute to growth in your tanks.
Prepare your diesel fuel, heating oil, kerosene, or boiler fuel storage and make sure it works when you need it.
With the Fire last fall and the recent power outages many generators have recently been filled. If you haven’t added stabilizers and a biocide to your fuel you may not be ready for the next emergency.
Kill bacteria, bugs, and yeasts growing in your diesel fuel with Valvtect BioGuard Plus 6
Use this diesel fuel microbiocide every spring and winter to guarantee your tank is not providing a habitat to fuel system-spoiling microbes.
Water in diesel is a fact of life these days. Biological growth spoiling your fuel quality does not have to be. Ultralow sulfur diesel and biodiesel have water in them. Over time, water entrained in your diesel fuel can fall out of solution. Add to that the condensation that will naturally develop in your fuel tank and you have an environment for humbug to grow in your heating oil, diesel, or boiler fuel storage tank.
When it is raining, your tank is likely breathing in the water. With the rainy season, be aware that water is everywhere unless you work to seal it out of your fuel storage system.
If your tank does not have a desiccant breather on it, your fuel tank can collect condensation. As air moves in and out of the tank with temperature changes, moisture will collect on the wall of the tank. Yeasts, bacteria, fungi, and algae can grow in the water that collects on the bottom of the tank. Make sure your tank is not a habitat for growing bugs every spring and winter.
Microbiological growth in diesel fuel, also known as “humbug” in fuel, can start growing and, if unchecked, will wreak havoc with your fleet. Once it starts in your fuel tank, it will spread throughout your fleet. If you see a random need to spin filters between services or odd fuel-related maintenance issues, you likely have bugs growing in your fuel tanks.
Star Oilco recommends BioGuard Plus 6 as a regular biocide for routine maintenance.
BioGuard Plus 6 is the only EPA-certified biocide product that contains both a biocide as well as a fuel stabilizer with detergent. This detergent stabilizer acts as an aggressive tank cleaner (NOTE: BioGuard available without Plus 6).
When using Valvtect BioGuard, treat first with a kill, performed in your bulk diesel storage. That will spread and kill the growing bugs in your fleet. Maintenance will clean up any remaining bacteria. If you do not have a known or visible problem, a kill twice a year is a great way to guarantee bacteria does not appear and you can treat the individual tanks of your fleet.
Product Specifications:
ValvTect BioGuard™ PLUS 6
BioGuard® Plus 6™ is the ONLY EPA registered diesel additive that combines a biocide with a multi-functional diesel additive to prevent bacteria, algae and all other major diesel related problems.
BioGuard Plus 6 is the perfect solution for ultra low sulfur diesel and biodiesel problems; such as bacteria, algae, excess water, sludge, filter plugging, injector wear & deposits, poor fuel economy and unstable fuel. Only BioGuard Plus 6 prevents bacteria and algae growth, plus:
ValvTect BioGuard Plus 6 32 oz Bottle treats 375 Gallons |
BioGuard ULS Fuel Microbiocide
BioGuard is an EPA registered dual soluble (fuel & water) microbiocide that effectively kills bacteria and fungi that grow in diesel fuel, heating oil and gasoline. BioGuard also prevents bacteria caused filter plugging and bacteria caused corrosion of the fuel system.
BioGuard typically works in 2-3 hours versus 24-36 hours needed by other biocide products. BioGuard has also been found to be up to twice as effective as other biocides. BioGuard can be used in all diesel and gasoline bulk tanks and vehicle tanks, including marine, farm, truck fleet, home heat, generators, and railroad storage tanks.
16 oz. container treats 460 gallons of diesel fuel at the initial kill treat rate. |
Learn more about Valvtect BioGuard Plus 6.
If you have any questions about routine tank maintenance or to order Valvtect BioGuard products, please don’t hesitate to contact Star Oilco directly by email, message, or phone. If you would like to learn more about checking your tank for growth this is a great checklist.