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UL 2085

Diesel storage tanks UL-2085 needed for modern Fire Code 1024 683 Star Oilco

Diesel storage tanks UL-2085 needed for modern Fire Code

What is required to install a fuel tank in Oregon?

A Tank that meets International Fire Code is a 2 Hour Fire Guard labeled tank.

In recent years Oregon and Washington have been moving to International Fire Code as their adopted standard. Following California with this higher standard of safety as it relates to liquid fuels.  The new standards are far more involved in their construction and therefore their installation as well. Heavy and far more expensive is the most notable standard of a modern Fire Marshall approved tank.

UL 142 – Double Wall Tanks

The old standard for diesel storage was UL-142 (commonly referred to as double wall or “diked tanks” by fleet managers).  These tanks are still made and extremely common throughout the US. If you see one of these tanks for sale and it looks like a great deal it’s probably because of an upgrade requirement causing them to sell it.  Be aware to check code in your local jurisdiction. These tanks still have a wide market for use especially for agricultural zones as well as temporary use with construction sites.

UL 2085 – 2 Hour Fire Guard and Double Wall Tanks

The new standard for storing diesel for refueling vehicles is the UL-2085. This code has been around for gasoline, it is only new in the way that Fire Marshall’s and local municipalities will require it for diesel fuels.

This standard has been around for a long time but typically was used when storing gasoline or more flammable liquids. That standard now applies to diesel fuels as well if they are being installed to refuel equipment, trucks or any other service.  Its worth noting that boilers, HVAC oil furnaces, and other plumbed stationary applications can still use the UL-142 code. Similarly agricultural use in Oregon is allowed a UL-142 use in most applications.  But for fleet fueling even if only a 100 gallon tank the Fire Marshall’s new standard is the UL-2085 concrete lined fire guard tank. It is also worth noting that if you have an installed UL-142 tank in a commercial or industrial zoned property you probably are okay with grandfathered use. But if you want to change anything the Fire Marshall and local Code Enforcement are going to be looking at the newer and safer standard.

Ask your local Fire Marshall to be sure of what the requirements are.

When discussing diesel storage tank options with your local Fire Marshall it helps to see the reason they have the standards they demand. Also be aware of other requirements that local jurisdiction may have. For instance Portland, Oregon’s Bureau of Environmental Services will often demand a cover be placed over the fueling area, an engineered concrete pad beneath it, as well as a potential oil water separator.  Usually there can be an additional permit and process associated with a tank install to meet the needs of a local Fire Marshall as well.

Two hour fire guard or UL-2085 rated tanks are the new standard in Oregon as we have adopted the International Fire Code. and the picture below says a thousand words. It will protect your property from a lake of fire preventing your diesel fuel from feeding disaster.

This is a great picture of a tank being tested for a two hour fire rating by a vendor of Star Oilco’s. Its speaks to why and what is the concern of your local regulator.

Modern Weld Company is a tank manufacturer out of California that makes great tanks to order exactly perfect for your site.

As they make what you need to the specifications you need you can make the Fire Marshall, local City Code enforcement, and your CFO happy at the same time.  If you have questions about installing a bulk diesel fuel tank to either UL-142 or UL-2085 standards give Star Oilco a call. We can help you meet UL codes for diesel, gasoline, biodiesel, or other storage needs.