Star Oilco

Benefits of Using Cardlock Fuel Cards 829 1024 Star Oilco

Benefits of Using Cardlock Fuel Cards

Cardlock accounts offer a multitude of benefits for businesses, particularly those with fleets of vehicles that require regular fueling. Benefits to using cardlock for your business include reducing fuel costs, improving fuel management, reducing potential fraud risks, creating more convenience and efficiencies and allowing a more enhanced tax compliance.  

  1. Reduced Fuel Costs:
    Cardlock accounts often provide businesses with access to discounted fuel prices, which can lead to significant savings over time. Additionally, cardlock accounts can help businesses track fuel usage and identify areas where they can reduce fuel consumption.

  2.  Improved Fuel Management:
    Cardlock accounts provide businesses with detailed fuel usage data, which can be used to track individual driver behavior, identify unauthorized fuel usage, and optimize fuel routing. This data can also be used to negotiate better fuel rates with suppliers.
  3. Reduced Fraud Risk:
    Cardlock accounts offer multiple security features, such as PIN numbers, purchase limits, and real-time transaction monitoring, which can help prevent unauthorized fuel usage and fraud.
  4. Convenience and Efficiency:
    Cardlock accounts allow businesses to refuel their vehicles quickly and efficiently, without the need for cash or credit card transactions. This can help reduce downtime and improve productivity.
  5. Enhanced Tax Compliance:
    Cardlock accounts provide businesses with detailed fuel usage records, which can be helpful for tax reporting and compliance purposes.

Meet Maria…

Maria’s trucking company was struggling. Juggling invoices from dozens of gas stations, monitoring driver fuel spends, and fighting fraudulent charges all felt like navigating a minefield. The chaos ate into Maria’s bottom line, making every mile driven feel like a gamble. Maria was initially hesitant about applying for a cardlock account but eventually took the plunge. Her skepticism soon gave way to relief. No more crumpled up receipts. Now there’s clear consolidated bills detailing every gallon pumped, by which driver and in which truck.

Benefits to help Maria’s bottom line came one by one, including most cost control, higher security, streamlined efficiency and greater convenience. But the most unexpected benefit was control. Maria could set spending limits for each driver, track routes in real-time, and even deactivate cards instantly if anything seemed amiss. This empowered her drivers, making them feel part of a responsible team, not just gas-guzzling liabilities. Maria, once consumed by spreadsheets and anxieties, finally had room to breathe and watch her trucks roar down the highway, fueled by efficiency and an extra touch of security.

Why businesses choose cardlock accounts for their operations. 

Fuel Cost Savings

  • Discounted fuel prices: Cardlock account holders often receive discounted fuel prices from participating fuel stations. These discounts can be based on factors such as fuel volume, account history, and payment terms.
  • Fuel usage tracking: Cardlock accounts provide detailed fuel usage data, which can help businesses identify areas where they can reduce fuel consumption. This data can be used to develop fuel-efficient driving practices and optimize fuel routing. 

Improved Fuel Management 

  • Individual driver tracking: Cardlock accounts allow businesses to track fuel usage by individual driver, which can help identify drivers who are using excessive amounts of fuel. This data can be used to provide targeted driver training and coaching.
  • Unauthorized fuel usage prevention: Cardlock accounts offer multiple security features, such as PIN numbers, purchase limits, and real-time transaction monitoring, which can help prevent unauthorized fuel usage.
  • Fuel routing optimization: Cardlock accounts can be used to identify the most cost-effective fuel stations for each vehicle, based on factors such as fuel price, location, and fuel quality. 

Reduced Fraud Risk 

  • PIN numbers: Cardlock accounts require drivers to enter a PIN number before fueling, which helps prevent unauthorized access to cards.
  • Purchase limits: Cardlock accounts can be set up with purchase limits, which can help prevent drivers from making excessive purchases.
  • Real-time transaction monitoring: Cardlock accounts provide real-time transaction monitoring, which allows businesses to identify suspicious activity immediately. 

Convenience and Efficiency 

  • 24/7 access: Cardlock stations are typically open 24/7, which allows businesses to refuel their vehicles at any time of day or night.
  • Automated payment: Cardlock accounts allow businesses to pay for fuel automatically, which eliminates the need for cash or credit card transactions.
  • Reduced downtime: Cardlock accounts can help reduce downtime by allowing businesses to refuel their vehicles quickly and efficiently. 

Enhanced Tax Compliance 

  • Detailed fuel usage records: Cardlock accounts provide detailed fuel usage records, which can be helpful for tax reporting and compliance purposes.
  • Automated tax reporting: Some cardlock account providers offer automated tax reporting services, which can help businesses save time and money. 

Contact Star Oilco to discuss opening a cardlock account to benefit your business operations and impact your bottom line in savings, security and efficiency. Already have an account? You can shop your fuel bill by allowing us to do a cost comparison to identify cost savings by switching today.  


Simplifying Heating Oil and Diesel 1024 578 Star Oilco

Simplifying Heating Oil and Diesel

Are Heating Oil and Diesel Twins or Cousins? 

We want to help simplify and understand heating oil and diesel for your heating oil tank. In the world of fuels, heating oil and diesel often find themselves under the spotlight, with many questioning their similarities and differences. While both derived from crude oil and share a similar chemical composition, there are subtle distinctions that set them apart. We want to dive into the intricacies of these two fuels to explain the unanswered questions between their relationship. 

Chemical Composition: A Shared Foundation 

Heating oil, also known as No. 2 fuel oil, and diesel fuel are both distillates of crude oil, meaning they are separated from crude oil through a process called fractional distillation. This process involves heating crude oil to different temperatures, causing different fractions of hydrocarbons to vaporize and condense at specific points. Heating oil and diesel fall within the middle distillate range, sharing a similar chemical makeup. 

Dyeing for Distinction: A Mark of Identity 

The most apparent difference between heating oil and diesel lies in their coloration. Heating oil is typically dyed red, a result of adding a dye mandated by law to distinguish it from untaxed fuels like off-road diesel. This visual distinction serves as a deterrent against tax evasion and misuse of fuels. 

Sulfur Content: A Matter of Emissions 

Another key distinction between heating oil and diesel lies in their sulfur content. Heating oil typically has a lower sulfur content compared to diesel fuel. Sulfur in fuel contributes to the formation of harmful air pollutants like sulfur oxides, which can cause respiratory problems and acid rain. The lower sulfur content in heating oil makes it a cleaner-burning fuel compared to diesel. 

Intended Use: A Tale of Two Applications 

While heating oil and diesel share a similar chemical foundation, their intended uses diverge significantly. Heating oil is primarily used for residential and commercial heating systems, providing warmth to homes and businesses. Diesel fuel, on the other hand, is primarily used in diesel engines, powering vehicles like trucks, buses, and generators. 

Interchangeability: A Limited Substitution 

In a pinch, heating oil can be used as a substitute for diesel fuel in emergency situations. However, long-term use of heating oil in diesel engines is not recommended due to potential damage to the engine’s fuel injection system and emission control components. Similarly, using diesel fuel in heating systems is not advisable as it may lead to soot buildup and inefficient combustion. 

Conclusion: Distinct Yet Related 

Heating oil and diesel may appear as twins at first glance, but upon closer inspection, their unique characteristics emerge. While they share a similar chemical composition, they differ in their dye color, sulfur content, and intended use. Heating oil serves as a reliable source of warmth for homes and businesses, while diesel fuel powers the engines that drive our world. While they can be substituted in dire circumstances, long-term use of one fuel in the other’s application can lead to adverse consequences. Understanding the nuances of these two fuels allows us to make informed decisions for their optimal utilization. 

Questions often times arise regarding the above information with heating oil or diesel for your heating oil tank. We encourage you to reach out to one of our fuel experts on our team to help answer additional questions you may have. Star Oilco is here to provide quality and fast service to our customers and help make fueling easy. Star Oilco will keep your tank full. It’s what we do best. 


Backup Generator Fuel 1024 1024 Star Oilco

Backup Generator Fuel

Star Oilco Generator Refueling Service

Make sure your generator fuel tank is filled before the power outage strikes.


Commercial Fleet Fueling in Portland


Remember that ordering diesel for your generator is a specialized service.

You want to stabilize and treat your diesel for generators and other back up equipment.

Order fuel treated for long term storage!

We often receive questions about backup generators, backup water pumps, and other emergency equipment. Fueling these critical pieces of equipment is a special kind of fueling service but we’re here to answer all your questions.

Generator Fuel is a specially treated oxidative stabalized off-road fuel designed to store for years.

Fuel for a backup generator is a specialized product. Besides the fuel, the service itself takes a vendor who understands your needs and can keep you up and running in an emergency.

Generators take off-road diesel, of course, but you want an ultra low sulfur diesel to ensure it works with modern emission systems. Some companies may deliver a higher sulfur heating oil product that looks the same but can foul the emission systems of your equipment.

Backup Generator Fuel in Portland

Beyond just the service provided by a truck and driver, you also want a vendor who offers a fuel stabilizer and biocide for the special long term storage needs of your backup generator. Star Oilco recommends you add a biocide and long term storage stabilizer to your fuel to ensure it is good whenever you need it. We use Valvtect Bioguard Plus 6 for generators, emergency water pumps, backup boiler fuel, and other long term storage purposes. This product kills any existing biological growth and stabilizes your fresh diesel fuel for long term storage. Make sure your diesel is ready the next time you need backup power.

As a complimentary service to our customers, Star Oilco will also test fuel for its quality. If you want to confirm fuel quality at the time of a top off, let us know and we will ensure the driver has a sample kit to get your backup fuel tested for peace of mind.

Feel free to message us if you need a backup tank filled. If you are in charge of Corporate Fueling, please call with any questions you may have.

Read more about stabilizing your generator fuel for long term storage.

Keep it simple with Star Oilco. We make it easy for you to be prepared.

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Fuel Market Report: Dec 3rd – Dec 9th, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Dec 3rd – Dec 9th, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance


Fuel Market News

Fuel prices continue to drop as we roll into December. Prices are down for gas and diesel in Oregon and Washington for the fourth week straight. The average gasoline price in Oregon dropped below $4/gal, although it is rare to see prices this low in the Portland area. Trends are expected to continue downward, as we officially enter the winter season on December 21st.

Reasons For Lower Prices:

  • Decreased demand for gasoline
  • Oil prices under $75, currently $72/barrel
  • Winter Fuel Blend

Crude oil is trading below $75 for the second straight week at a price of $71.40. $2 lower than it was last week, as trends continue downwards. A major factor in why fuel prices have continued to drop. OPEC+ announced last week they will cut oil production temporarily which may affect crude prices over the next few weeks.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing, and 14% taxes—a helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay. Crude Oil is trading around $72 per barrel compared to $74 last week and $91 a year ago.

It’s essential to recognize that fuel prices result from a complex interplay of the factors mentioned above in addition to other factors regionally. Additionally, prices may vary by specific regions within Oregon and Washington. For the most precise and up-to-date information on fuel prices and the causes for these price changes within your area, it is advisable to consult local news outlets, government energy agencies, or industry reports.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Star Oilco and speak to one of our fuel market advisors to discuss how the market can impact your business.

For other news in the fuel market:

Join the Fuel Market Report newsletter for your weekly fill of updates!

November 2023 Fuel Market Recap 1024 697 Star Oilco

November 2023 Fuel Market Recap

November 2023 Fuel Market Recap for Portland, Oregon


The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in Portland, Oregon, was $4.61 on November 30, 2023, up from $4.44 on November 1, 2023. This represents a 3.6% increase over the month.


The average price of a gallon of diesel in Portland, Oregon, was $5.75 on November 30, 2023, up from $5.48 on November 1, 2023. This represents a 4.6% increase over the month.

Natural Gas

The average price of natural gas in Portland, Oregon, was $7.07 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) on November 30, 2023, up from $6.71 on November 1, 2023. This represents a 5.1% increase over the month.

November 2023 Fuel Market Recap for United States

Declining gasoline prices:

The national average for regular gasoline dropped by 5.1 cents per gallon compared to October, reaching $3.238 per gallon by the end of the month. This decline was driven by several factors, including increased refinery production, lower crude oil prices, and weaker demand due to seasonal factors.

Stable diesel prices:

Unlike gasoline, diesel prices remained relatively stable throughout November, fluctuating within a narrow range. The national average for diesel ended the month at $3.713 per gallon, just 0.2 cents higher than October.

Mixed natural gas market:

The natural gas market saw some volatility in November. Prices initially rose due to colder weather and increased demand for heating, but later retreated as temperatures moderated and storage levels remained above the five-year average.

Key Factors Affecting Fuel Prices

Global Oil Prices

The price of crude oil is the main driver of gasoline and diesel prices. Global oil prices were volatile in November, with the Brent crude oil benchmark trading between $76 and $92 per barrel.

Refinery Capacity

The availability of refining capacity is another important factor affecting fuel prices. Refinery capacity is currently tight, which is putting upward pressure on prices.

Seasonal Demand

Demand for gasoline and diesel typically increases in the winter months as people use more fuel for heating and transportation. This can also put upward pressure on prices.

Predictions for December 2023


Gasoline prices are expected to remain relatively stable in December, with the average price in Portland staying between $4.50 and $4.75 per gallon.


Diesel prices are also expected to remain relatively stable in December, with the average price in Portland staying between $5.60 and $5.80 per gallon.

Natural Gas

Natural gas prices are expected to increase slightly in December, with the average price in Portland reaching between $7.30 and $7.50 per MMBtu.

Tips for Saving Money on Fuel

Drive less

This is the most effective way to save money on fuel. If you can carpool, take public transportation, or walk or bike instead, you can significantly reduce your fuel costs.

Drive efficiently

When you do drive, make sure you are driving efficiently. This includes following the speed limit, avoiding hard braking and acceleration, and using cruise control whenever possible.

Shop around for the best gas prices

Gas prices can vary significantly from station to station. Before filling up, take a few minutes to compare prices at different stations.

Consider using a fuel card

A fuel card can help you track your fuel spending and identify areas where you can save money.

Take advantage of fuel discounts

Some credit cards, loyalty programs, and employers offer discounts on fuel. Look for ways to take advantage of these offers.


Powering Through Outages With Backup Generators 1024 1024 Star Oilco

Powering Through Outages With Backup Generators

Backup Generators: How They Work & How They Are Powered  

A backup generator is an essential part of any preparedness plan for your home or business. An outage isn’t a problem when you have a backup generator, they provide you with reliable power when the grid goes down. Backup generators are also reliable and safe to use, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your family or business is protected. They are a good investment for any home or business and can help you stay prepared in the event of a power outage. They are cost-effective, with many models available for affordable prices. They are also easy to install and maintain, making them a great option for those looking for a reliable solution for their home or business.

How Backup Generators Work 

The backup generator converts fuel into electricity. Gasoline, diesel, and natural gas are the most common fuel sources for backup generators. In the event of a power outage, the generator automatically starts up and generates electricity. As a result, lights, appliances, and other equipment in the home or business are powered by this electricity. 


Types of Backup Generators 

Standby generators

These are the most common type of backup generator. They are permanently installed to the home or business’s electrical system and will automatically start up when there is a power outage. Standby generators are a popular choice for homeowners that are just want a reliable source of power during an outage to keep their family warm, keep major appliances running and now let food stored in a freezer go bad. If there’s a sump pump, you’ll also want a backup generator to keep that running.  

Portable generators

These generators are smaller and more portable than standby generators. They can be used to power essential appliances and equipment during an outage. Portable backup generators are handy to have in emergency situations such as storms, floods, and other natural disasters. A portable generator can keep essential appliances like lights, refrigerators, and medical equipment running until the grid is restored. These backup generators can also be handy for outdoor recreation such as camping and RV’ing to provide electricity for lights, appliances, and entertainment devices while enjoying the outdoors. They can also be used for tailgating and outdoor events to power grills, music systems, and other equipment for tailgating parties, backyard weddings, and outdoor movie nights. 

Inverter generators

These generators produce clean power that is safe for sensitive electronics. They are a good choice for homes and businesses with computers, televisions, and other electronic devices. Inverter generators provide a quiet operation, clean power and fuel efficiency. Inverter generators produce a smoother, more stable AC current, similar to what you get from the grid. This is crucial for powering sensitive electronics like laptops, smartphones, and medical equipment without damaging them. These can be a great option for construction sites to provide a clean and stable power for tools and equipment on the construction sites. Mobile businesses such as food trucks and vendors also rely on inverter generators to power their equipment when they’re on the go.

How Backup Generators Are Powered


Gasoline is the most common fuel for portable generators. It is readily available and relatively inexpensive. Gasoline is easy to use and can be stored for long periods of time. However, it is also highly flammable and can be dangerous if not handled properly. It is also not as efficient as some other fuels, such as diesel or natural gas. 


Diesel fuel is more expensive than gasoline, but it is also more efficient. Diesel generators can run for longer periods of time on a single tank of fuel. Diesel generators are also more reliable and have a longer life span than gasoline generators. Additionally, diesel engines produce lower emissions than gasoline engines. 

Natural gas:

Natural gas is the most convenient fuel for standby generators. It is piped directly into the home or business, so there is no need to store fuel. It is also a relatively clean-burning fuel, producing fewer emissions than other fossil fuels such as coal. Additionally, it is relatively inexpensive compared to other energy sources. 

Choosing a Backup Generator  

The size of the generator:

The size of the generator you need will depend on the amount of electricity you need to power during an outage.  The size of the generator will determine how much power it can provide, so it is important to choose a generator that is large enough to meet your power needs. If the generator is too small, it will not be able to provide enough power to meet your needs during an outage.  

The type of generator:

The type of generator you need will depend on your individual needs. For example, if you have a lot of sensitive electronics, you will need an inverter generator. Inverter generators are more lightweight and produce less noise than traditional generators. They are also more efficient and can provide more power than traditional generators. 

The fuel source:

The fuel source you choose will depend on your availability and budget. Different fuel types have different advantages and disadvantages. Diesel and propane generators are more reliable than gasoline generators, but gasoline generators are cheaper and easier to transport. 

The location of the generator: 

Make sure the generator is located in a safe area away from any potential hazards. The generator should also be positioned in such a way that it cannot be affected by wind or rain. The generator should be regularly checked and maintained to ensure it is working properly. 

Benefits of Having a Backup Generator 

Peace of mind

Knowing that you have a backup generator can give you peace of mind during an outage. 

Protection from property damage

Backup generators can help protect your home or business from damage caused by power outages. 

Increased productivity

Backup generators can help you stay productive during an outage. 


Backup generators can make life more convenient during an outage. 

Backup generators are an essential part of any home or business preparedness plan. They can provide a reliable source of power during an outage, keeping your home or business running and protecting you from property damage. Backup generators are crucial for businesses of all sizes, providing a reliable source of power during outages and ensuring continuity of operations.  

Backup generators can help to protect revenue and productivity. If there’s a power outage it can bring a business to a standstill, leading to lost revenue, productivity and inability to help their customers. Backup generators can prevent these disruptions and keep businesses in operation. They also provide the ability to safeguard data and equipment. With many modern businesses relying on computers, servers and other electronic equipment, power outages can cause data loss, equipment damage and costly downtime. Hospitals, data centers and other sensitive facilities require uninterrupted power supply provided by backup generators to maintain critical operations and safeguard lives and valuable data. Industries such as hospitals and manufacturing have regulatory requirements for maintaining power supply during outages.

Backup generators provide critical power for safety systems like security alarms, emergency lighting and fire suppression systems to ensure the safety and well-being of employees, customers and the public. Businesses that prioritize employee safety will be more attractive to employees and can increase the retention of staff. Backup generators demonstrate a commitment to a safe work environment. Maintaining supply chain integrity with uninterrupted power allows for reliability. As the grid becomes increasingly vulnerable with severe weather, cyberattacks and aging infrastructure, backup generators provide more reliability for a power source independent of the grid. Cyberattacks are more and more of a concern as our technology reliance grows and it can cause widespread outages as power grids are targeted. Businesses with backup generators can create a hedge against these attacks to ensure the operations are protected even when the grid may be compromised. Backup generators aren’t just a luxury, they’re an essential investment for home and businesses to provide not only productivity and convenience but also safety. They ensure home and businesses can weather any storm.  

Need your backup generator fueled? Contact Star Oilco today to refuel your backup generator. Has it been awhile and wondering if you need your fuel checked in your backup generator? Give us a call. We can check your fuel quality to make sure your fuel is ready when you need it. 


Fuel Market Report: Nov 26th – Dec 2nd, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Nov 26th – Dec 2nd, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance


Fuel Market News

Prices drops were very moderate this past week, as prices across the board did not drop more than $0.10. Although the average retail price in Oregon for gasoline is expected to drop below $4, it is uncommon to see prices that low in the Portland area. The wholesale market has continued to drop with prices down $0.20 from previous weeks. Many analysts say that this is a result of the lower prices of oil over the last month, helping keep prices low at the pump. Washington’s fuel prices are still hovering over $4.30 for gasoline and over $5 for diesel. Significantly higher than the average prices throughout Oregon. Oregon also announced a new fuel tax coming onto the market in the new year which will add $0.02/gallon of fuel sold, effective Jan 1st, 2024.

Key Reasons For Lower Prices:

  • Oil Market Trending Downward
  • Oil prices under $75, currently $73/barrel
  • Winter Fuel Blend

Crude oil is still trading below $80 for the fourth straight week at a current price of $73.49. This is $1 lower than it was last week, a good sign for fuel prices across the nation.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing, and 14% taxes—a helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay. Crude Oil is trading around $78 per barrel compared to $83 last week and $89 a year ago.

It’s essential to recognize that fuel prices result from a complex interplay of the factors mentioned above in addition to other factors regionally. Additionally, prices may vary by specific regions within Oregon and Washington. For the most precise and up-to-date information on fuel prices and the causes for these price changes within your area, it is advisable to consult local news outlets, government energy agencies, or industry reports.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Star Oilco and speak to one of our fuel market advisors to discuss how the market can impact your business.

For other news in the fuel market:

Join the Fuel Market Report newsletter for your weekly fill of updates!

Diesel 1 vs Diesel 2 1024 578 Star Oilco

Diesel 1 vs Diesel 2

Diesel 1 and Diesel 2 can often bring confusion when it comes to understanding what the differences are between them. Consumers can have confusion about which one is best for their equipment or their business. Whether they’re looking for improvements in quality, igniting quickly with its high cetane rating for easy starts in cold weather or ensuring overall efficiency with engine performance and lower maintenance needs. We will explore the differences between Diesel 1 and Diesel 2 and help you understand the benefits of each. 

Key distinctions between the properties of Diesel 1 and Diesel 2 

Before you invest your hard-earned money in fuel that might not be suitable or, even worse, could harm your vehicles and equipment, let’s clear the air. Let’s simplify the differences between Diesel 1 and Diesel 2 in a way that’s easy to follow and gives you the confidence you need. 

Sulfur Content

Diesel 1: Lower sulfur content, reducing sulfur dioxide emissions and aligning with environmental standards.

Diesel 2: Higher sulfur content for specific applications with advanced emissions control. 

Cetane Number

Diesel 1: Boasts a higher cetane number (ignition quality of diesel fuel), ensuring better ignition and smoother combustion, especially in cold weather.

Diesel 2: It has a lower cetane number and is optimized for slightly delayed ignition in engines designed for this grade. 


Diesel 1: It generally has a lower viscosity, facilitating smoother fuel flow and distribution. 

Diesel 2: Its higher viscosity may require specialized fuel systems designed to handle its thicker consistency, such as generator power plant engines or industrial machinery. 

Cold Flow Properties

Diesel 1: It excels in cold climates because it contains kerosene and lacks paraffin, which prevents the diesel from gelling in colder temperatures. So, it’s best for the residents of the coldest regions.

Diesel 2: This fuel needs additional winterization measures in extremely cold temperatures, like mixing Diesel 1 (20%) with Diesel 2 (80%) and additives to lower the viscosity of Disesel 2. But make sure that your vehicle’s engine is capable of handling it.


Diesel 1: Contains extra constituents that improve cleanliness and lubrication and reduce rusting effects due to corrosion inhibitors in the engine. It also has demulsifiers that separate water from the fuel system and prevent engine problems. 

Diesel 2: Generally has fewer additives; common ones decrease viscosity for more accessible engines starting in cold conditions. Due to the higher wax content, some other chemicals are infused within it to stop the accumulation of wax sediments. 

Engine Wear and Tear

Diesel 1: Gentle on engines with low wax content, anti-corrosive additives, and high cetane rating, resulting in less wear, lower maintenance, and a longer lifespan. 

Diesel 2: Causes more wear, but viscosity contributes to enhanced lubrication and mitigates engine damage by reducing friction. 


Diesel 1: Less noisy due to its high cetane rating, ensuring rapid ignition and reducing the usual knocking sound linked with diesel engines. 

Diesel 2: Tends to be noisier due to a lower cetane rating and a longer combustion process. Results in higher levels of heat and pressure for a louder engine. 

Smoke Release

Diesel 1: Emits less smoke due to quick ignition and cleaner exhaust due to lower wax levels, demulsifiers, and other additives that cause smoke. 

Diesel 2: Results in smokier emissions because of a lower cetane rating, slower ignition, and increased accumulation of unburned fuel. 

Fuel Energy Efficiency 

Diesel 1: Slightly lower fuel economy (miles per gallon) than Diesel 2 due to its lighter grade and lower heating value. 

Diesel 2: It burns more slowly and proves to be the superior choice for extended highway travel, optimizing efficiency and minimizing refueling stops.


Diesel 1: It comes at a slightly higher cost because it is enhanced with lubricants, reducing friction for efficient fuel system operation. The premium diesel D1 has more benefits, like reduced repairs.  

Diesel 2: Represents a more economical choice. Despite lacking premium additives, more miles per gallon and a higher heating value make it the least expensive option at the pump. 

Finding the Right Fuel Fit: Diesel Decisions 

Selecting the appropriate diesel for your vehicle is crucial, and it all comes down to your vehicle type, usage, and environmental conditions for optimal performance. Diesel #2 is cost-effective and versatile for everyday commuting, while Diesel #1 is ideal for high-performance or newer engines due to its higher cetane rating.  

Trucks and heavy-duty vehicles benefit from Diesel #2’s versatility and cost savings. In fleet management, Diesel #2 is practical for various vehicles. Diesel #1 is the choice for lower emissions compliance in environmentally strict areas. Always check your vehicle manual for specific recommendations. 

Diesel 1 and Diesel 2 bring unique qualities to engines and the environment. Diesel 1 is cleaner and ideal for high-performance engines and excels in colder climates. Diesel 2, versatile and cost-effective, suits everyday driving and heavy-duty vehicles.  

Understanding these distinctions empowers you to make informed diesel decisions, ensuring engine longevity and environmental responsibility. 

If you have any questions about different fuels, feel free to give us a call and speak to one of our fuel experts.  


When to use Off-Road Diesel 150 150 Star Oilco

When to use Off-Road Diesel

What are the benefits and when can you use off-road diesel 

Off-road diesel excels with a higher cetane rating, enhancing engine performance and offering cost savings without taxes. However, it’s strictly for off-road vehicles like tractors and construction machinery. Using it in regular on-road cars is illegal, leading to fines and potential imprisonment. 


Advantages of off-road diesel 

Higher Cetane Rating: Igniting Efficiency 

Off-road diesel takes the lead with a significantly higher cetane rating. With quicker ignition, 20% fewer emissions, and an impressive 15% reduction in engine downtime. It’s not just fuel; it’s a performance booster. 

Engine Performance and Durability 

Crafted for off-road adventures, this fuel has specialized additives that provide extra lubrication and deliver approximately 12% improvement in engine efficiency. Better performance isn’t just a promise; it’s a measurable reality with a 10% boost in fuel economy. 

No Tax, More Savings 

On-road diesel carries higher taxes, supporting highway maintenance. The federal tax is the same across the U.S., but states can add charges based on volume or spending. In contrast, off-road fuel sidesteps federal and state excise taxes due to non-road use, as it causes no wear and tear on the roads, saving you more with each gallon. 

Cost-Effective Fueling 

Brace yourself for the financial magic – lower tax rates. Off-road diesel translates into tangible savings, averaging 25 to 50 cents per gallon. For businesses on the off-highway path, it’s not just about fuel; it’s about a budget-friendly journey with an estimated annual savings of $5,000 to $10,000. 

Legal Ease: Staying Compliant 

Dyed in red for a reason, off-road diesel isn’t just a visual standout; it’s a regulatory lifesaver. If you follow standard rules, avoid penalties, choose a fuel that aligns with the law while boasting a 0% penalty rate for unauthorized use. It’s your ticket to smooth, trouble-free operations. 

Dyed Diesel: A Dual Role in Heating 

Expand the use of dyed diesel beyond the road. If your furnace can run on heating oil, embrace dyed diesel for a potential 20% savings on heating costs. It’s not just a fuel choice; it’s a strategy for financial warmth. 


On-Road Diesel vs Off-Road Diesel: Key Differences 

Let’s simplify the diesel dilemma. Both on-road and off-road options share the same chemical makeup, but here’s the twist.

Legal Roads: 

On-road Diesel: Legal for road vehicles, dispensed at gas stations. 

Off-road Diesel: Reserved for non-road machines (tractors, generators).  

Legal Boundaries: 

On-road Diesel: Mandatory for licensed road vehicles in the U.S. 

Off-road Diesel: Illegal for on-road vehicles; hefty fines ($100 to more than $1,000 for one gallon) for misuse, or you may lose your job. 

Color Code: 

On-road Diesel: Clear, available at local gas stations, often called clean or green fuel due to eco-friendliness. 

Off-road Diesel: Red-tinted, dyed for off-road identification. 

Sulfur Content: 

On-road Diesel: Adheres to low sulfur content standards set by the EPA ( (15 ppm sulfur). 

Off-road Diesel is intended for off-road machinery and may have a higher sulfur content (maximum 3000-5000 mg/kg). 

Tax Terrain: 

On-road Diesel: Subject to state excise and federal taxes, generally pricier. 

Off-road Diesel: Tax-exempt, cost-effective for industries like construction and agriculture. 

Availability Channels: 

On-road Diesel: Available for purchase at gas stations. 

Off-road Diesel: Sold through bulk distributors for industrial use. 


Off-road Diesel: Who Qualifies? 

Off-road diesel isn’t for everyone, but it could be your fuel hero if you’re in specific industries. 

Who Can Use? 

  • Construction Industry: Heavy-duty champions like cranes, loaders, and excavators 
  • Agriculture Realm: From tractors to harvesters, it fuels the farm force. 
  • Specialty Equipment: Generators, heaters, and more, amplifying productivity. 


  • Separate Tanks for Equipment: If your vehicle has a dedicated tank for extra gear, like in reefer trucks, and it doesn’t power the motor, you’re in. 
  • Emergency Saviors: In state-declared emergencies (severe weather or disasters), using off-road diesel on public roads might get a temporary nod. Rules vary, so check your state’s stance.  

Who Are Not Allowed To Use? 

  • Regular On-road Vehicles: Cars, SUVs, and standard trucks hitting public roads or any vehicle having the license to move on the road. 

Ultimately, on-road powers our daily commute, but off-road, dyed in red, proves the unsung hero for industries, offering substantial savings. Portland’s and Pacific Northwest’s off-road fuel suppliers have trustworthy reputations as fuel suppliers.  

Legal boundaries are crucial – fines loom for misusing off-road diesel. So, whether on legal roads or off, choose wisely, stay compliant, and drive on with informed decisions and smoother rides ahead! 

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Fuel Market Report: Nov 12th – Nov 18th, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Nov 12th – Nov 18th, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance


Fuel Market News

As drivers prepare for the Thanksgiving holiday, they can also look forward to lower gas and diesel prices across the state of Oregon. It is the holiday travel season which means there will be even more drivers on the road, typically driving longer distances to gather for holiday celebrations. AAA projects that 55.4 million Americans will travel 50 miles or more from home for Thanksgiving. Fortunately, holiday drivers will get a break at the pump as gas prices in Portland dropped $0.20, and diesel prices in Portland dropped $0.12.

Key Reasons For Lower Prices:

  • Volatile Oil Market Trending Downward
  • Stronger Dollar
  • Reduced Market Concern With Conflict In Israel
  • Oil prices under $80, currently $77/barrel

Crude oil is trading below $80 for the second straight week at a current price of $77.99. This is $1 lower than it was last week, a less significant drop than weeks previous, but still a good sign for overall fuel prices.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing, and 14% taxes—a helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay. Crude Oil is trading around $78 per barrel compared to $83 last week and $89 a year ago.

It’s essential to recognize that fuel prices result from a complex interplay of the factors mentioned above in addition to other factors regionally. Additionally, prices may vary by specific regions within Oregon and Washington. For the most precise and up-to-date information on fuel prices and the causes for these price changes within your area, it is advisable to consult local news outlets, government energy agencies, or industry reports.

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