Fuel Market Report

Our fuel market report provides you with up to date information about our most recent market.

Fuel Market Report: Nov 5th – Nov 11th, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Nov 5th – Nov 11th, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance


Fuel Market News

This week drivers experienced minimal price changes as retail gasoline and diesel both dropped $.05, while wholesale gasoline prices dropped $0.02 and diesel dropped $.14. Drivers should continue to see these prices decrease as we go deeper into winter. Oil is trading at a current cost of $78/barrel. This is a good sign for the fuel market as a whole. These trends are typical for this time of year as we head into the winter months so don’t get too excited.

Key Reasons For Lower Prices:

●  Winter fuel blends are cheaper to manufacture & distribute

●  Demand for gasoline is currently flat

●  Oil prices currently $78/barrel

Crude oil is trading below $80, at a current price of $78.32. This is $5 lower than it was last week, a significant drop that will continue to contribute to the lowered cost of fuel.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing, and 14% taxes—a helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay. To give a comparison to Crude Oil pricing, it is trading around $78 per barrel today compared to $83 last week and $89 a year ago.

It’s essential to recognize that fuel prices result from a complex interplay of the factors mentioned above in addition to other factors regionally. Additionally, prices may vary by specific regions within Oregon and Washington. For the most precise and up-to-date information on fuel prices and the causes for these price changes within your area, it is advisable to consult local news outlets and industry reports to follow along with the market trends. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Star Oilco and speak to one of our fuel market advisors to discuss how the market can impact your business.

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Fuel Market Report: Oct 29th – Nov 4th, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Oct 29th – Nov 4th, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance


Fuel Market News

Halloween candy wasn’t the only treat Oregon drivers got this week, as fuel prices continued to drop. Retail gas prices in Oregon fell $0.08 to an average of $4.27. Retail gas prices in Washington fell $0.11 to an average of $4.61. Wholesale prices for gas in Oregon fell $0.06 to a rack average of $2.40 (excluding taxes). Wholesale diesel prices in Oregon have fallen $0.16 with an average cost of $3.02 (excluding taxes). Average fuel prices in Oregon are at their lowest in six months.

Key Reasons For Lower Prices:

  • Winter fuel blends are cheaper to manufacture & distribute
  • Overall demand for gas is down
  • Declining oil prices

Crude oil is currently trading below $90, at an average of $83. Down two dollars from the previous week. Prices dropped throughout the week as the average price last week was $87. Prices are about the same as they were a year ago this time.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing, and 14% taxes—a helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay. Crude Oil is trading around $83 per barrel compared to $87 last week and $86 a year ago.

It’s essential to recognize that fuel prices result from a complex interplay of the factors mentioned above in addition to other factors regionally. Additionally, prices may vary by specific regions within Oregon and Washington. For the most precise and up-to-date information on fuel prices and the causes for these price changes within your area, it is advisable to consult local news outlets, government energy agencies, or industry reports.

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Fuel Market Report: Oct 22nd – Oct 28th, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Oct 22nd – Oct 28th, 2023

fuel market prices
fuel market prices
fuel market prices

Oregon Fuel Price Variance

fuel market pricing

Fuel Market News

Retail prices have dropped for the fifth week in a row. Retail fuel prices for gasoline dropped $0.10, and $0.06 for diesel. Wholesale prices for gasoline dropped $0.05, and $0.18 for diesel. Despite the volatile crude oil prices, fuel prices are dropping across the nation. Most analysts are pointing at decreased demand for gasoline and winter fuel blends being behind the price drops experienced over the last few weeks.

There is still skepticism within the market as political climates in Israel and Palestine have yet to reach a neutral point. As referenced in the previous market reports, the current situation could lead to a reduced production of oil which will increase prices across the nation. Israel and Palestine are not major oil producers, but as the conflict continues, there are many concerns it will affect overall oil production in the region.

Crude oil is currently trading slightly below $90, at an average of $83. Down two dollars from the week previous. Last week prices dropped throughout the week as the average price last week was $87. Surprisingly, prices are about the same as they were a year ago this time.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing, and 14% taxes. A helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay.

It’s essential to recognize that fuel prices are the result of a complex interplay of these and other factors. Additionally, prices may vary by specific regions within Oregon and Washington.

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Fuel Market Report: Oct 15th – Oct 21st, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Oct 15th – Oct 21st, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance

Fuel Market News

Fuel prices are once again down from a week prior. Wholesale prices dropped this week with gas down $0.40 , diesel down $0.04. The market saw these changed hit the retail market as prices dropped $0.10, and diesel prices dropped $0.14 in Oregon. Gas prices in Washington dropped $0.13 and diesel dropped $0.06. Gas prices are lower in all 50 states with 24 states, seeing double digits including both Oregon and Washington. However, as we mentioned in last weeks report, many analysts are worried about fuel prices and crude oil prices going up given the situation in the Middle East. The current situation could lead to a reduced production of oil which will increase price across the nation. In addition to this the EIA reported that total commercial crude stock of oil has decreased by 2.2 million barrels as of last week

Gas prices are typically cheaper during the fall season as winter blends of fuel hit the market. Winter blends of fuel are cheaper to manufacturer, which also makes it cheaper to distribute. As the winter blends hit the market it will be crucial that oil prices also remain below $90 per barrel, and with the current political climate in the Middle East, this is rather uncertain.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing and 14% taxes. A helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay. Crude Oil is trading around $85 per barrel compared to $90 last week and $91 a year ago.

The West Coast region is one of the most expensive regions for fuel given its distance from refineries and the cost of transporting fuel to the region as well as the environmental taxes on fuel.

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Fuel Market Report: Oct 8th – Oct 14th, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Oct 8th – Oct 14th, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance

Fuel Market News

Fuel prices are once again down from a week prior. Wholesale prices dropped this week with gas down $0.40 , diesel down $0.04. The market saw these changed hit the retail market as prices dropped $0.10, and diesel prices dropped $0.14 in Oregon. Gas prices in Washington dropped $0.13 and diesel dropped $0.06. Gas prices are lower in all 50 states with 24 states, seeing double digits including both Oregon and Washington. However, as we mentioned in last weeks report, many analysts are worried about fuel prices and crude oil prices going up given the situation in the Middle East. The current situation could lead to a reduced production of oil which will increase price across the nation. In addition to this the EIA reported that total commercial crude stock of oil has decreased by 2.2 million barrels as of last week

Gas prices are typically cheaper during the fall season as winter blends of fuel hit the market. Winter blends of fuel are cheaper to manufacturer, which also makes it cheaper to distribute. As the winter blends hit the market it will be crucial that oil prices also remain below $90 per barrel, and with the current political climate in the Middle East, this is rather uncertain.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing and 14% taxes. A helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay. Crude Oil is trading around $85 per barrel compared to $90 last week and $91 a year ago.

The West Coast region is one of the most expensive regions for fuel given its distance from refineries and the cost of transporting fuel to the region as well as the environmental taxes on fuel.

For other news in the fuel market:


Fuel Market Report: Oct 1st – Oct 7th, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Oct 1st – Oct 7th, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance

Fuel Market News

Fuel prices are down from a week prior. Wholesale prices dropped significantly this week with gas down $0.67, diesel down $0.18. The market saw this trickle down into retail pricing as well as retail prices for gas dropped $0.14, and diesel prices dropped $0.08 in Oregon. Gas prices in Washington dropped $0.11 and diesel dropped $0.08. These trends should continue as we transition into the fall and winter season. With winter blends of fuel being distributed across the market. With the recent turn of events in the Middle East we may see crude oil prices rise significantly but this is not certain.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing and 14% taxes. A helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay.

Crude oil prices raised to over $94 last week with total commercial crude stock decreasing by 2.2 million barrels reported. The fluctiation of oil prices have limited seasonal price decreases. As demand for fuel decreases we should see supply increase and prices decrease.

Fuel supply from refineries in California have continued to affect fuel price fluctuation in the West Coast. Due to crude oil hovering over $90 per barrel we are seeing gas prices decreases noticeably slower than they have in years past during this time of season. Despite this hangup prices should continue to drop as long as allocations and productions remain steady.

For other news in the fuel market:


Fuel Market Report: Sept 24th – Sept 30th, 2023 150 150 Star Oilco

Fuel Market Report: Sept 24th – Sept 30th, 2023


Oregon Fuel Price Variance

National retail fuel prices dropped slightly this week by only 5 cents from the week previous. Retail diesel prices in Oregon dropped 7 cents from the week previous, as gas prices increased by 8 cents. Trends will similar in Washington as gas prices rose by 11 cents and diesel prices dropped by 4 cents. Crude Oil prices dropped slightly to just under $90 ($89.35). As the winter blend of fuel comes onto to the market across the board we should see gas prices begin to decrease in price but there is no guarantee this will happen as fuel prices have been higer than usual for the last few months.

Crude oil is the main ingredient for gasoline and diesel. Per AAA, on average about 50% of what you pay at the pump is the price of crude oil, breaking down as 25% refining, 11% distribution & marketing and 14% taxes. A helpful breakdown for consumers wondering why they are paying the prices that they pay.

Prices in Oregon are 66 cents cheaper than they were a year ago which is a good sign for Oregonians but with most stations priced around $4.70-5.00/gal, drivers are still price conscious. With the holiday season approaching consumers are looking to save any and everywhere they can.

Gasoline demand rose slightly in September but domestic gasoline stock declined slightly to close the month of Septemer. With high demand and tight supply, prices have rose in past weeks, with crude below $90/barrell, prices should begin to drop across the board.

For other news in the fuel market see resources below:


Portland Oregon Fuel Market Report July 17th-23rd, 2020 1024 697 Star Oilco

Portland Oregon Fuel Market Report July 17th-23rd, 2020

Portland, Oregon Fuel Market Report

07/17/2020 – 07/23/2020 Weeks Average

A spike in COVID-19 and states reverting back phases causes price fluctuation that was unseen in the retail sector. Wholesale gasoline prices have shot down by .12 cents. Retail gasoline prices have also gone down, but not within the pacific west coast. In Oregon retail gas shot up .015 cents and Washington it went up over .02 cents.

Although diesel is still on the rise in both wholesale and retail. The wholesale rack jumped .05 cents. The retail prices had minimal jumps around .005 cents in Oregon and Washington. Our new tracking is now also able to show B20 prices jumped .04 cents.

*Chart acquired from gasbuddy.com

Rack Week Average

Wholesale Price Average

Wholesale Low

Wholesale Avg


$ 1.44

$ 1.52


$ 1.29

$ 1.32


$ 1.19

$ 1.28

Retail Week Average

Retail Price Average





$ 2.19

$ 2.66

$ 2.80


$ 2.44

$ 2.62

$ 2.74





State: OR


State: WA











Fuel News Star Oilco Follows:

REG wants you to know there is biodiesel in your fuel, whether you know it or not                                          https://www.regi.com/blogs/blog-details/resource-library/2020/06/30/the-secret%E2%80%99s-out-you%E2%80%99ve-used- biodiesel?utm_campaign=ff&utm_source=enews&utm_medium=email&utm_content=ws

Big oil trying to reduce the carbon in their oil https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/07/oil-industry-less-time-to-decarbonize-than-it-might-think/

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*Numbers are an accumulation from different sources including gasbuddy and AAA.

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