Give Us A Call Precision Fuel Management Call us for a complimentary ASTM and ISO (standard fuel analysis)


Star Oilco, Hydrotex® and Donaldson® have joined forces to geographically map and sample diesel storage tanks! As part of a two state project, they combine global resources and technologies establish a large searchable dataset. By ASTM test method for targeted application, they are able to find local fuel reliability and performance solutions.

Guided by O.E.M. recommendations and ASTM test results, the program ensures the new low-emission diesel engine platforms are achieved. The program finds the correct application of complimentary processes and products to ensure optimum design efficiencies and longevity.

Initial benchmark testing and ongoing “Condition Based Monitoring” will be provided at no cost to individual fleet operators who participate. The results will be confidential and remain the property of the fleet owner for use as a tool in establishing better R.O.I. on fuel and related maintenance expenses. Regional data will be combined in anonymous sets to be analyzed and tracked. This is helpful to establish overall trends and recommendations or new product development and application strategies.


Hydrotex PowerKleen

Hydrotex PowerKleen® premium additive enhances and improves ULSD fuel, giving it the chemical composition needed to work together with today’s diesel engines. The additive restores lubricity and substantially reduces or eliminates the effects of rust and corrosion inside storage tanks, fuel tanks and fuel injectors.


Donaldson filtration solutions

Donaldson filtration solutions has been developing high quality effective filtration systems for diesel engines and storage tanks since 1915. Donaldson, a pioneer in the filtration industry, knows all too well the issues associated with ULSD. The Donaldson Clean & Dry® filtration kit for AST’s (above ground storage tanks) is helping solve fuel quality issues associated with excessive particulate (dirt) and water found in fuel coming off the pipeline.

For every 10,000 gallons of diesel delivered, up to 1 pound of dirt and 1 gallon of water is acceptable per the ASTM D975 fuel quality standard. Beyond that, though biodiesel has many good qualities, it can be a challenge regarding filtration.

Deliver optimum performance diesel fuel to the end user, into a (clean & dry) bulk storage tank or piece of equipment to maximize fuel efficiency. This minimizes equipment downtime by reducing fuel system maintenance, injector failures and filtration consumption.

This is a continuous improvement process that begins with tank sampling, precision filtration and a premium diesel fuel additive. Involving scheduled tank/nozzle sampling, reliability centered maintenance and the monitoring of key performance indicators. These include filtration consumption, MPG/GPH efficiency, injector wear/replacement, bulk tank and pump component corrosion. Root Cause Analysis is implemented when any key performance indicator is breached. This is used to deflect blame and return the customer/end user to optimum performance as quickly as possible.

Tank sampling is the most important KPI and a critical component to identifying customer issues. Thus setting in motion a chain of scheduled, accountable and actionable events is crucial. These samplings remediate bulk tank storage issues, filtration deficiencies, onboard common rail injector and fuel system issues, and improve daily fueling practices by the end user.

Teach/Train/Coach the End User: Setting customer expectations are key and must be established early. Through expert presentation and demonstration, the customer understands the challenges of diesel fuel, from both the storage and consumption perspective. As fuel experts, we want to encourage selling practices and/or purchasing decision to be based on more than price.

If it is, the program will certainly fail long-term. Ongoing coaching will develop the necessary loyalty to create a win-win-win (customer, vendor, environment). ROI and cost analysis can and should be utilized, where applicable, to demonstrate the viability of the Precision Fuel Management program.

Getting the word out is a must! Through strategic geographic tank sample saturation and mapping, satisfied customer testimonials, distribution of the GPA Terracon Engineering Study, and active participation in local fuel related trade shows, we can establish the Precision Fuel Management program as the optimum means for any fleet, agriculture, construction, etc. organization to maximize the 40% operational expense that diesel fuel consumption represents.

Through tank sample mapping and trend analysis we can identify and remediate storage issues and optimize performance. Continuous evaluation of fuel handling processes, filtration system efficiencies, premium diesel fuel additive concentration levels and seasonal additive requirements. At this level, corporate R&D and TRT are hands-on in recommending best practices for continued Precision Fuel Management optimization and growth.

The Donaldson Clean & Dry® filtration kit consists of 4 micron particulate filter, in line-water filter, and a separate desiccant breather trap. Donaldson’s “Thermally Reactive Advanced Protection” (T.R.A.P.) breather technology is installed on storage tanks to vent air coming in and out.

When fuel is delivered into the tank, the trap controls moisture accumulation inside and the trap breather regenerates or “dries itself out” through design. Donaldson Clean & Dry® provides superior filtration designed to polish fuel being dispensed while maintaining maximum throughput and flow rate.

The answer is: Clean Diesel through Precision Fuel Management.
This expertise comes from experience and tactical guidance from our partners, strategic market timing and implementation by Star Oilco. This has evolved into a continuous improvement process we call “Precision Fuel Management.”

The four cornerstones of clean, dry, stable fuel:

  1. Star Oilco Clean, Dry Premium Diesel
  2. Hydrotex PowerKleen® Premium Additive
  3. Donaldson Clean & Dry® Filtration Systems
  4. The consumer/end user’s role in fuel consumption and storage.

The Precision fuel management program has been tested, implemented and found to be a foundation tool. It has been used dependably by Salinas Fuel and Bulk Oil Sales expert – Rich Hunter of Sturdy Oil ( ). Rich brings 30 years of experience to the diesel fuel industry and a wealth of knowledge on the complexity. Also, the simplicity of fuel storage, acquiring and maintaining fuel quality. Rich ensures Sturdy Oil promise to deliver “cleaner, better diesel, guaranteed” for all of his customers’ fleets and tanks.

Learn about Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel